𝕻𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖔𝖗𝖆𝖘 𝕭𝖔𝖝

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"They haven't been found," Odette leaned on the balcony rails. "Maybe it was all too much for him, for you two." She bowed here head. "Magnus what if he's ...?" She gazed up to Magnus teary eyed.

"He's live,"he patted her back. "I feel it," he held onto an ruby necklace. Gently kissing her forehead, he pulled her closer towards him. "Have faith in him."

She meekly nodded, resting her hands on the balcony rails as she stared out into the distance.

Stepping out of the balcony and back inside, the king was sat silently brooding in the corner as Phillip frantically paced the room. Sighing, Magnus flopped onto a nearby sofa.

"I'm gonna go out for them," Phillip grabbed his coat.

"No," Magnus said sternly.

"No? No! My daughter could be dead out there!"he chucked his coat at the grand yelling at the duke.

"And? ...So could my son," Magnus sighed. "But of course to you, a mortal's life is more important than a vampires." Finally meeting Phillips eyes, he chuckled. "...Or a beast of the night as your kind say."

Phillip froze in place, glancing away.

"What? You make your distaste for us so obvious, you know so much about us, our strengths and weakness as you so called claim but forget the biggest factor of our biology," he poured himself a glass of whisky, tapping his ear. "It's funny we're called the beasts when really your kind are the biggest hypocrites on the earth."

Phillips fists were clenched, his jaw twitch as his throat urged to spew out his thoughts.

"You alright there Phillip?" Magnus smirked taking a gulp of his whisky. "Itching to say something are you?"

"Magnus," Arthur called.

"No Arthur," Magnus grinned. "Say it. Say whatever you've been burning to say because after today I doubt you'd have a chance to speak to me again."

"Magnus," the king called again.

"It's all because of your kind!"Phillip snapped.

"Phillip!" Arthur yelled, shooting up from his seat. Magnus smiled, his eyes burned brightly as he watched the bottled thoughts escaped the blond.

"You devilish creatures suck the life out of us mortals! It's natural for us to fear for our lives, and you prideful creatures think you so high and mighty with your thrones made of the bloodshed of human bodies!" He sneered. "The massacres! The slaves! Your whole kind disgusts me. Sinful beasts deserving of the name."

"You know what Phillip," Magnus let out a dry laugh. "I never liked you so I won't regret this a single bit."

"Magnus I-" the king attempted to apologise.

"No, it's fine," Magnus put his hand out dismissing him. "Phillip said his bit, so it's my turn, correct?" He tilted his head, staring at the blond as he stood up from his seat.

"I think I've been far too nice. I've let far too many things slide," he cracked his knuckles. "I think your forgetting something Phillip. I am not on the same level as you in noble ranking and we are not friends, therefore you've already crossed the line social wise." He stepped forward.

"I am a duke and you are nothing but a marquess who got lucky enough to be chosen as the kings aid," he gave a condescending smile. "Secondly, if I am correct those permitted of wearing weapons are the king, his guards, dukes and any heirs to the throne or betrothed." He took another step forward.

"However, why was it that I happened to notice you, your wife and daughter's clothing was laced in silver," he rose a brow. "And even now, a silver blade should be in the right of your inner blazer pocket, correct?"

"Phillip, is that true?" The king turned to him.

"That's besides the point, if I am a beast according to historical events, then what are you?" He stepped forward once again, this time leaning forward as he whispered his question.

"Phillip, please hand the blade over," the king sighed, holding his hand out.

"Phillip, do you happen to know of the black massacre? The vampire sex slave going on in this land? The reason behind both the solar and lunar war?" Magnus stepped back, arms behind his back.

Philip glared at the vampire as he made his way over to the king.

"No. Of course you don't. Because an ignorant, imbecile who follows the words of others without a thought of his own won't take time to think logically." He glowered at Phillip. "Blindly seeing humanity as innocent whilst ignoring to see the side as anything other than wrong."

Hand firmly clutching the dagger, Phillip attempted to bite his tongue. Meanwhile, Arthur silently peeled Phillips's fingers off the handle.

"Your dismissed," Arthur stared into his eyes.


Arthur placed a hand on Phillip's shoulder and gave a weak grin. Bowing his head, Phillip's jaw clenched.
Walking over to a seat away from Magnus he muttered curses. "Blood sucking demon."

"I wasn't the one who killed your mother Phillip," Magnus crossed his arms, relaxing into his stance.

Turning around, Phillip's mouth fell in utter horror "How did you-"

"Blaming me won't bring her back. Killing me won't satisfy you either. This hate won't solve any of your issues," he turned away plopping back into his seat. "Trust me," he took a swig of the bottle of whisky.

Slowly stepping back until his back met the wall, Phillip slowly slid down to the ground and stared at the ground. 

Knock knock

"Enter," the king called.

"They've been found!" The knights announced.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐅𝐑𝐔𝐈𝐓Where stories live. Discover now