𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖓𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝕴𝖓 𝕮𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖊

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It was finally time for the celebration of Sirus, my fiancé is celebratory ball. Since our  announcement, he has been sending letter to me. Perhaps a ploy from the king, to hold the image of the story the king has made up.

It's quite a stupid tale. Where my knight in shining armour comes to comfort a tearful me under the blood moon. Of course, the public don't know of our bond, thankfully. However, with this new spotlight I've been the centre of the nobility world. The amount invitations have been stacking and I don't think I can write anymore letters to decline.

"Violet," Ophelia raced to hug me. "You look gorgeous."

"Thank you," I grinned. I was given the finest tailor and jewellers in the kingdom after all. Every detail was so meticulous and carefully planned, i actually began to feel like a doll.

"There's a carriage from the palace waiting for you," mother walked in. "My precious baby girl is now a princess." She gently caressed my cheek. 

"Mother, I'm not even married yet," i hugged her.

"But it feels like you've grown up so fast," she squeezed.

"Don't worry mother, I'll always be childish when it comes to you," i pecked her cheek. "I mustn't be late for the ball."

"Goodbye my sweet," mother waved her handkerchief. The two weren't coming until much later, so for the first time in a while it was me all alone.

For such a big thing to happen, i felt strangely calm these past few days. Despite the quickness of my engagement, his announcement as heir and my separation from Theo. I felt a sense of serenity or emptiness. I felt almost lighter.

"Lady Malory," the foots men knocked.

"Yes," i stood up.The foots men carefully guided me out. As usual the palace was magnificently decorated, there were even more carriages than the night of the blood moon. As soon as I stepped foot on palace grounds, i was whisked away by servants into another room.

"Lady Malory," the king entered. I curtsied.

"You don't have to be formal in my presence, after all you are my adorable god daughter," he grinned.

"You know I can't do that your majesty," I sipped some tea. "Now where is my dear fiancé?"

"He is almost done getting ready," he sat opposite me. "But you look quite divine." 

"Well it was with your help your majesty," I ate a biscuit.

"But your features bring out the beauty, the dress is mere fabric," the king smiled.

"Would your wife be happy to hear you talk like this?" I raised my brow.

"I think she'd agree that her god daughter has a beautiful grown to fit her face beautifully," he sipped some tea. I rolled my eyes.

"There's the little girl I remember," the king chuckled.

Knock knock

"Enter," the king called out.

"Your majesty, lady Malory," he bowed. His frosty hair was in a long braid, adorned with little slithers of gold. A pale golden ribbon tied the end of the braid, the colour theme of his suit keeping to a pale gold and white. Similar to my dress. He was as beautiful as that night.

"Don't be so stiff, come and sit," he pointed over to the space beside me. Obediently, the blond plopped down. I couldn't help but sneak glances over at him. He smelt intoxicatingly sweet.

"I just wanted to get the both of you on the same page," his voice lowered. "Sirus knows pretty much everything, but I'm sure a clever girl like you, has already a sense of what's going on."

I nodded.

"Perfect," the king applauded. "So I expect you both to act accordingly, after all I have high expectations." With that he left us alone.

"I apologise for that night, I know words on paper are not the same as an verbal apology," he bowed. "Thank you for saving me." His voice was monotone and had a sense of fatigue.

"I forgive you," I glanced away. "And I thank you for saving my life also." 

"As my bonded pair, you do not need to give me your blood," he stood up, moving to sit opposite me.

"Honestly, I don't mind," I faced him. "I know in most recorded relationships of mixed relationships it occurs."

However, he shook his head. "Our engagement is nothing but a cover for his majesty is plan, so we do not have to actually be wed." He started. "Therefore, it's better we do not do anything further that complicates our situation." Do I not appeal to him? Was my blood distasteful? Did he already have a fiancée? Am I a home wrecker? If he leaves me, that'd be the second time I'd be abandoned.

"Sir Luneth, did you already have another?" I questioned.

"No, why do you ask?"he rose his brow.

"I just thought-" I paused and glanced away. "Never mind."

"If you thought I broke an prior engagement for you, I did not," he sighed. "I actually apologise as I'm the reason you've been pulled into all this." His eyes studied me for a while. I felt a slight pull just as he looked away. "I know life has not been too kind to you these past few days, and I apologise if this sounds rude." He lowered his head. "But I could feel your despair and I apologise for the hardships you've had to face."

"It is not our engagement that has caused me such, but other factors," I gave a small little smile. "Your letters although out of courtesy, have been nice to read." I could tell that he was a genuine person. And the letters were a nice cushion for heartbreak, a rebound."So whilst we hold this facade, wouldn't it be nice if we got along civilly."

He nodded.

Knock knock

"Yes?" We chorused.

"It's time," a maid curtsied.

Immediately, the both of us rose. Walking through the halls in complete silence, there was a sense of comfort. Just as we reached the door, his hand reached over to mine.

"Lady Malory and Sir Luneth!" As we were announced, the giant doors swung open to face hundreds. There was no backing out now.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐅𝐑𝐔𝐈𝐓Where stories live. Discover now