𝕻𝖚𝖘𝖍 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖎𝖒𝖎𝖙𝖘

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It had been weeks since I'd spoken with her. The manor was so quiet and empty, it was almost as if I was living with a ghost. Yet, somedays I'd find traces of her around, like the flowers that'd been switched, her perfume that lingered on in rooms or books she'd left out in the library. Despite not being around her, the thought of her haunted me daily. More that usual, to be honest.

I tried conditioning myself, training myself and even now isolating myself, but the more I distracted myself the more my body would yearn for her. It definitely didn't help that tonight was the ball on top of all that.

"Stanford, give me three pills," I adjusted the cuffs of my shirt.

"Yessir," he handed them over. "By the way, she's in the carriage already."

"Good," I put my blazer on.

Walking towards the carriage, I could already feel a shift within myself. Pushing through, I took a deep breath before opening the door. Dressed in a rich magenta dress that complimented her all in the best ways, her dark brown eyes refused to budge from the window view. 


"I'll do my part and you'll do yours," she crossed one leg after the other.

The ride was one of the things on my list of worries, as a closed space was always a dangerous space in my eyes. Luckily, I was able to get through with an open window. With the first hurdle completed, we were finally at the place. Violet wasted no time exiting the carriage, the foot man aiding her out. She seemed to be avoiding me like the plague all the way until we reached the actual entrance doors. It was surprising how someone of her height could walks so fast in heels on top of that.

As soon as we were about to be announced, she took my arm slapping on the most regal grin I've ever seen. As much as I was trying to keep up image, I could barely catch a breath with her beside me. My eyes couldn't help but focus on her, to the point I hadn't even noticed we were no longer on the steps.

"Silas. Silas?" She glanced up at me, facing me for the first time tonight. "You haven't let go of me all night, if you keep on doing that I might get mixed, childish feelings."

"Sorry," I pulled away my arm, clearing my throat.

"Are you ok?" Her brow rose.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I coughed, looking away. She stared at me for a while before looking away, but quickly turned her head back.A sudden laugh broke from her lips, quickly covered up by her hands. Turing around, she waved over Stanford before dragging me away to a nearby gossip room.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"You'll see," she smirked walking off as Stanford stepped in. Stanford's mouth immediately fell.

"What?!"I finally looked down. "Fuck! How long have I been like this?" I came to realisation of the tightness of my pants.

"You looked completely fine during the entrance,"Stanford snickered. "Except for the fact you looked like a love struck pup." 

"Shut up and help me!"

"Help you do what?" Stanford covered his body protectively.

Rolling my eyes, I paced the room for a couple minutes hoping that it'd go down. It was not going down. "What am I supposed to do?"

Stanford shrugged. "I could call Violet if you'd like?"

"No!" I almost snapped my neck off turning. "Give me the pills. Six!"

"Isn't that too much?" Stanfords brows knitted together.

"At this point, what is enough?" I downed the pills with a glass of wine. Looking down, my pant were now comfortably the right size.

Stepping out of the room, my eyes fell on Violets. Grinning, she strolled over, the crowd splitting into a path. Her eyes gleamed in mischief.

"You ok now?" She glanced down. My hands automatically covered myself.  She seemed to be chocking down the most antagonising laugh. 

"Splendid," she wrapped an arm firmly around mine. "Loads of guests have been waiting for you."

Dragging me away, we had greeted every single guest in the room. Which I didn't mind as it was simply an old custom that I thought was an attempt to appear truly noble. However, the constant light touches said otherwise.

"You're doing this on purpose aren't you?" I whispered.

"I have no idea what your on about," she sipped some wine. "But you seem quite out of breath." She glanced down, my hand blocking her as I cupped her face.

"I'm perfectly fine," I took away her glass of wine. "But it seems your quite tipsy."

"Oh really," she crossed her arms. "Says the one who could barely walk straight without my guidance."

"I've been walking fine all night?" I rose my brow.

"Sure~," she giggled. She took a step closer. I immediately attempted to step back, her hand gripping mine pulling me to her level. "Without me holding you, you'd have been a stumbling mess," she whispered.

"Sorry to interrupt, but the king has called for you two," a servant bowed.

"Well my dear, it seems we've been beckoned," she let go of me, aggressively opening up her fan. "Shall we go, dear husband of mine?"The words from her lips were so cold and distant, it sent shivers down my spine. Yet, at the same time a heat rose.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐅𝐑𝐔𝐈𝐓Where stories live. Discover now