Chapter 10. Surprise Visitor

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I went to bed after the worst day ever to exist. Charlie's visitation rights being taken away and mum wanted me back at her house, so I was back in the worse household ever. I just stayed in my room for the whole day. When mum and Neal would talk to me I wouldn't answer. I refused to have dinner. Or eat anything, I was pretty much just depressed, the only thing that made my happy was Charlie, the Gingerbread Bernard gave me and thinking of Bernard.

I woke up on a work day but I refused to go work. I called work and said I'm ill as a little white lie.   I just wanted to die right now. The doorbell rang and I heard mum get up to open it. I just stayed in my room but then I heard Bernard's voice. I ran into the living room and grinned.

"Bernard!!" I ran over to hug him.

Mum looked at Neal and Neal looked at her.

"This is your family?" Bernard smiled. "My OTHER family." I corrected.

I took his hand and ran to my room.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well, I went to Santa's house, your dad. But he said you were here. So I came and...wait, is it just the way you slept or does it look like you've been crying?"

I hugged Bernard and I explained everything. "So, C-Charlie's visitation rights got t-taken away and m-mum wanted m-me here so I can't see d-dad an-and now I just want to die." Tears poured down my face.

Bernard's face saddened. "Oh can do this."

"How?" I muttered.

"Because your brave."

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