Chapter 39. Hot Chocolate Sunday

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I was busy thinking about all the Mrs Claus's parent's stuff. I then launched out of my seat. "Toy maker in Canada!!!!!!!" I exclaimed.

Bernard walked through the door, after work. "Snowflake, it's 7:00pm, why are you shouting 'toy maker in Canada'?" 

I ran through the door. "Sorry, love! I'm off to find dad and Carol, you don't mind making yourself a hot chocolate?"

Bernard sighed. "Calm down, it's Sunday!"

I shook my head. "I don't care!" I kept running to Carol and dad's house, when I got there I knocked on the door.

Carol answered the door. "Y/N it's 7:00 o'clock."

I grinned. "Yes,  but Toy maker in Canada!!!"

Dad came down the stairs. "What?"

"Carol, you want your parents here?" I asked. "Correct?"

She nodded. 

"We can pretend that dad's a toy maker in Canada."

Dad nodded. "That may work. Now Y/N, you need to get home."

"Bernard's hot chocolate, right!" I exclaimed, running again.

I got home and opened the door. "Bernard?" I asked, he was nowhere.

"BOO!!!!!!" He yelled, jumping out of the pillow fort.

I flinched. "Hey!" I chuckled, walking to the kitchen to make a hot chocolate for Bernard. "So what were you going to tell me?" I asked.

"All the elves are unwrapping presents." Bernard spoke.

"Excuse me, what?" I asked, turning around from the fridge as I was getting the whipped cream out.

Bernard rolled his chocolatey brown eyes. "Well a certain someone, head elf in training. The children who sent letters got mixed up and so half the elves are unwrapping instead of rapping and building toys."

My eyes widened. "Wow..." I muttered, walking up to Bernard passing him his drink. "I need to tell you something to."

"What?" Bernard asked.

I sat down. "Well, bad news, actually. Jack Frost is coming to stay here for a bit..."

Bernard leapt out of his seat. "What!?"

I nodded.

"WHY IN THE NAME OF ST NICK WOULD SANTA DO THAT!!!!!!!?????" He exclaimed.

"He probably doesn't know." I sighed, this was all too leg started to freeze up.

Bernard noticed quicker than I could. "What calms you down?!" 

I chuckled. "Bernard, you've known me for over 13 years, I've been dating you for 12 years and I've been married to you for  4 years. You know."

Bernard shook his head. "No, like quickly calms you down."

I giggled. "This." I then kissed Bernard, a long-lasting passionate kiss, I rapped my arms around Bernard's neck and he stroked his hands through my hair. I loved him, he loved me. I don't know what I would do without him. Years back when my boyfriend cheated on me, I felt sad and upset but now...I see it as a slight good thing. Because now I had Bernard and I hopefully always forever will.

As we pulled out of the kiss, Bernard smiled. "I love you, gingerbread."

I smiled, our foreheads touching. "I love you, too, love. Even though you can be really strict and bossy, but I know your a big softie."

Bernard chuckled. "That's only at work, and don't spill my secrets like that."

I laughed. "I'm glad that I have you."

"I'm glad I have you, too." Bernard spoke.

I then kissed him again.

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