Bernard exhaled when he saw dad.
Curtis had a huge grin on his face. "IT'S PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"That's because it's me Einstein." Dad scoffed.
Bernard rushed over to dad as I followed, Bernard was scanning dad for any injuries. "Santa, are you alright?!" Bernard seemed more nervous then I was about my own dad. I mean- he was Santa after all, Bernard's and the elves boss, he's been my boss my whole life, if we're being honest.
"Yeah, I got a shock in there," Dad then turned to Curtis. "Is there suppose to be a shock?"
Then more smoke poured out of the machine and a naked plastic version of my father came out of the machine. "IT'S NAKED!!!!!" We cried, other than dad. I whipped my head around, I definitely did NOT want to see a plastic naked version of my dad. AND NEVER WILL!!! I covered my eyes too, I've never been this traumatised. Even thinking of it gives me goosebumps, I tried my best to not picture it anymore.
Bernard probably got a cloth and put it over the plastic version of my father. "It's fine now." Bernard sighed, sounding more traumatised than I was.
I stared at the toy for a hot second, it had a fake-grey-plastic-beard, rubber legs and arms, a plastic face and a very plastic torso. I didn't know if this was how Curtis was telling us that we were dumb or I didn't know.
"It's incredible!" Curtis cried.
"Yes, yes it is." Dad nodded.
I stared at it, trying not to picture the naked plastic version. "Can it talk?"
Curtis stared at it for a bit and then shrugged.
Dad seemed to pick up what I was saying for him to make it talk or something like that. "Hello?" He waved his hand in front of the plastic Santa.
The toy gabbled in response, looking like a toy. It's eyes going everywhere.
"Hello??" Dad tried yet again.
The toy seemed to be alive now, it stared at dad. "Hello?"
Curtis beamed, Bernard was completely speechless, dad I couldn't tell and I? I flinched at this toy Santa.
"Ho, ho, ho!" Dad smiled, hoping for a reply.
"Ho...ho...ho." The plastic Santa replied.
Dad nodded. "Not Bad!"
"Not bad yourself." The toy Santa smirked.
Dad laughed a bit and turned to Curtis who had the biggest grin ever known on his face. "I can't put my finger on it, but there's just something about you that I like." Dad said.
The toy Santa replied in a drunken voice. "There's something about you that I like!"
"Huh?" Dad glanced at Curtis. "Watch him, I'll be right back." He mumbled.
He walked over to me and Bernard and led us to the other side of the room, where Curtis, NO ONE! Could hear us. "Y/N, Bernard. I need your help on this."
"What do you mean?" Bernard asked.
"Meaning?" I answered.
Dad sighed. "What I mean is that I've gotta go see Charlie, and I want Bernard to convince the elves that..." Dad pointed to the toy. "That toy is me."
I crossed my arms. "And me?"
"Because your my daughter."
"Uhh. Hmm. Have you seen that thing?" Bernard asked, probably confused if he even knew who this Santa was.
I nodded.
"I've seen it, and I think if you keep the elves at a distant and tell them that I've changed my look." Dad nodded. "It'll work."
"Dad! Your going crazy!"
Bernard shook his head. "Oh, Santa. We're way over our heads here." Bernard sounded quite annoyed.
"If anyone can do this, it's you." Dad spoke. "You know this job more than anyone."
I nodded in agreement now. "He has a point, B. You do."
"I thought you were on my side-" Bernard said.
I stared at him for a long moment.
"I...But...I...well." Bernard stammered for a second. "I'm not going to lie to all the elves."
I then agreed with Bernard. "He has a point."
Dad gave Bernard a stern look.

The Ideal Holiday (Bernard x Reader)
Storie d'amoreChristmas isn't Y/N Calvin'S favourite thing ever, but things change after awhile, Y/N is a 18 year old girl that soon finds her christmas on to find out.