Chapter 58. Jack Did What Now?

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 Please read - I'm so so so sorry for not posting yesterday, I've been so busy!!

"Lucy, what happened?" Dad asked.

"I found her locked in a closet!" Curtis said.

"What's wrong?" I asked, my heart beating.

"You've got to see what Frost did to my mum and dad!" Lucy exclaimed, extremely worried.

To elves made there way through the crowd, there was mum and Neal frozen over, I was shaking, Bernard put his arms around me to calm me down.

I gasped in horror and tried to hold back the tears.

Dad looked at Neal and mum in horror. "It's going to be ok, Lucy."

2 Elficers came in with Jack Frost who had a very sly look on his face. "Yeah and...?" He smirked.

Dad walked over, and seem really-really annoyed with this whole thing. "Elficers, I have him. Jack, this isn't funny. Unfreeze the parents now!"

"No way, Claus. I can't unfreeze them, without unfreezing myself. And that's something I'll never do." Jack Frost spat.

"Mother Nature, help me out here." Dad begged. "Can you thaw him out?"

"I'm sorry, Santa." Mother Nature sadly shook her head and frowned. "Our powers don't work on other legendary figures...but you can ask Y/N."

Dad slightly smiled. "Y/N?"

I smiled. "Before you-"

Jack chuckled. "Impossible, I love to say that she's a legendary figures."

"Wait, what?!" I exclaimed.

"What a shame." Jack mocked.

Bernard looked like he was thinking about something for a second. "Well," he began walking over to Jack "just because the people who have powers here that can't help..." Bernard chuckled. "Doesn't mean, this isn't." Bernard balled up his hand into a fist and punched him right in the face. "I never intended on doing that." Bernard stared at Jack with cold eyes. "If you ever disrespect the North Pole, elves, Santa, Mrs Claus, my wife and if anyone's family are visiting, I will find you and when I say will, I will." Bernard angrily spoke. "Do I make myself clear?"

Jack scoffed. "Yeah, like the head elf would do anything."

This is were anger boiled up inside of me and I stormed over. "Yeah, it's not like I can't, is it?" I slapped Jack Frost right in the face. "You better shut your mouth."

Dad sighed. "Calm down you 2."

"Yeah, calm down." Jack Frost sneered.

I kicked Jack Frost right in the leg. "I said, you better shut your mouth. Do I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?" I raised my voice.

Jack groaned in pain.

I took Bernard's hand and went back over to the crowd of elves.

"Wasn't that a bit too much?" Bernard bent down slightly to ask me.

I shrugged. "My family was in danger by him, so I guess not." I then frowned. "Neal and mum."

Suddenly, Bernard grinned. "I got an idea!"

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