Dad left not too long ago to get the in-laws and to say goodbye to Charlie, as he was going on a skiing trip.
"Hey, Y/N!" Jack Frost called, as I was walking down the hall.
"Yes, Jack?" I turned around, trying to be polite.
He grinned. "Do you know where the snow globes are?" He asked, whispering.
I shook my head and chuckled. "I do, but I can't tell you?"
He sighed. "Why not?"
"I would rather drink sour milk that tell you." I spat.
"Oh, why act so cold?" He pretended to be hurt. "Isn't that my thing?"
I sighed. "It's just the rules."
"Ok, ok. Snowflake."
I crossed my arms over my chest. "My name is Y/N."
"You let your boyfriend, Barny call you it." He spoke.
I frowned. "His name is Bernard, why does hardly anyone get it right? And he's my husband!" I exclaimed.
He frowned back. "At least I can have children." He then walked off.
My heart sank, only because me and Bernard were elves, we couldn't have children. But angry filled up inside of me, I clenched my fist together. "That little...little" I struggled to say anything, all I could do was walk away.
"Snowflake!" Bernard called from a distance.
I ran over. "Yeah what's up, love?"
"Was Jack Frost bothering you?" He asked.
"No...well I don't know." I said.
He shrugged. "If he does, I'll beat the ice out of him."
I chuckled and kissed him on the cheek. "Love you."
He smiled. "Love you too."
Me and Carol were busy looking for Christmas trees.
"Hey Carol?" I asked.
She turned to me, while looking at a tree. "Yes, dear?"
I smiled. "Well, have you thought of any names yet?"
"Well...sort of." She said.
Then out of all people, Jack Frost approached us. "Hey Mrs C, and Y/N. What you doing?" He asked, all lovingly innocent.
I just wanted to beat the actual ice out of him, he honestly thinks he probably all amazing and stuff but honestly, all he is to me is...a frost man. While me and Bernard actually thought that. I actually pretended like nothing happened and just played along with this idiot, as a kind thing. Why was I being kind? Because I had no other choice. That on the other hand...didn't mean I could be nice all the time to him.
"Oh, hi, Jack. Me and Y/N are trying to pick a tree that the whole family will love." She smiled, looking at a tree.
"Ahh, family." He spoke.
I rolled my eyes. "AhH fAmIlY." I mocked, but also mumbling so no one could here me.
He grinned. "You know, I cannot imagine how hard it must be keeping such a big secret from your folks." He chuckled.
Carol chuckled. "Oh you have no idea."
Jack wondered what to say for a moment. ""Tell me, Mrs Claus...being legendary by marriage." He began. "Do you ever find yourself wondering if it's really worth it?"
I rolled my eyes to myself. Of course it was worth it, for me it was.
Carol still looked at the tree. "Well, it's definitely worth it." She said and I nodded.
I grinned and thought of a white lie, to get Carol away from Jack. "Hey! I found better trees." I smiled.
Carol smiled. "Oh where?"
"Over here, follow me." I looked at Carol. "Need a hand getting up the step?"
Carol nodded. "Thank you, dear."
"It's the least of my worries." I said.
Jack followed us, which actually annoyed me. "I'm sure dropping your life, and schlepping all the way to the Pole has been totally worthwhile." Jack commented.
"Yeah." Me and Carol said.
"Probably not one iota, not even a scintilla of regret?" Jack asked.
I was getting annoyed, she said it was worth it, end of story...but he went on and on.
"Not one." She simply replied.
He was about to say something else, but I clenched my fists and Jack noticed, so what anyone would do, he slightly changed the subject.
I walked off, to find Bernard. "Hey, B?"
"Yeah?" He asked.
I smiled. "The in-laws will be here soon, can I borrow a hat?"
He nodded. "Here, take this one." He placed one on my head.
"Thanks." I kissed him. "How are you?"
He smiled. "I'm ok, you?"
I nodded. Then the sleigh arrived and I grinned.
Bernard smiled.
I noticed Carol ran over.
I turned to Bernard and took his hand. "Come on! We need to say hello."
As Bernard got dragged around by me. "Ok, ok."
I then noticed Lucy. "I'm here! I can't believe I'm actually here!" She exclaimed.
"Lucy!!!" I exclaimed.
She ran up to me and gave me a massive hug. "Y/N, Bernard!!"
I smiled. "Go see, Carol."
She nodded, and gave Carol a hug.
"I love her hugs." I smiled.
"Who doesn't? Children give great hugs." Bernard said.
"And you give the best kisses." I chuckled.
Bernard chuckled. "Don't flatter yourself." He sarcastically said.

The Ideal Holiday (Bernard x Reader)
RomanceChristmas isn't Y/N Calvin'S favourite thing ever, but things change after awhile, Y/N is a 18 year old girl that soon finds her christmas on to find out.