As I was focusing on a toy doll I was painting, I noticed toy Santa, Bernard and Curtis strolling around the workshop and I just about to paint the eye then toy Santa came over to the elf behind me. I looked behind and got on to do the eye, I kept listening to what they were talking about.
"Ho! Ho! Ho! Your doing a wonderful job!" The toy Santa called to an elf, then I noticed another elf come over.
"Santa, when you wanted bigger wheels, was this what you meant?" The elf ask.
The toy Santa slightly nudged me so I ruined the eye. I sighed and wiped the paint off and redone it.
"Ho! Ho! Ho! Your doing a wonderful job!" He yelled.
The elf looked at him slightly, but then walked off.
I finally finished the doll and walked up to them and smiled, the toy Santa obviously noticed me. "Ho! Ho! Ho!"
I smiled. "Hi."
"Your doing great, you could dial down on the 'ho ho hos' but otherwise your gold." Bernard tried his best to force a smile.
"It also wouldn't hurt to maybe be a tiny bit quieter." I commented.
"Ho, ho, HO!!!" Toy Santa yelled. "ho ho ho ho ho!"
As he kept shouting, I clenched my fist a bit but I wasn't as annoyed as Bernard was, Bernard turned to Curtis slightly.
Curtis smirked. "Why don't you just say it? 'You were right Curtis, I was wrong'."
"Ok! Ok." Bernard said. "I admit it. They're happy, they're working hard. Everything is going to be fine."
I crossed my arms. "It's only the first day, you don't know yet."
Curtis frowned and Bernard nodded. "She has a point."
The toy Santa then walked up to us with a book. "This book is very interesting! There are a lot of rules right here at the North Pole, that they aren't following."
"That's what I've been saying all along!" Curtis grinned. "Things have gotten a little TOO sloppy around here." Curtis spoke.
I looked at Bernard and mouthed. "I wish my dad was here." Bernard managed to work out what I was saying. "Your right, so do I." Bernard mouthed.
The toy Santa agreed with Curtis. "Yes! Sloppiness means mistakes! MISTAKES AREN'T A GOOD THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He yelled. "I might and I will make some changes around here."
I frowned and so did Bernard.
Curtis beamed. "What do you have in mind, boss?"
"Let me show ya'" He walked off, Curtis following.
Bernard turned to me. "Can we go to one of the restaurants tonight to talk about this, please?"
I nodded. "Yes!"
Bernard smiled. "Good!"

The Ideal Holiday (Bernard x Reader)
RomanceChristmas isn't Y/N Calvin'S favourite thing ever, but things change after awhile, Y/N is a 18 year old girl that soon finds her christmas on to find out.