"They're coming right at us!" One of the elves called.
"Take us to Elfcon 3!" Bernard commanded.
An elf grabbed a phone. "Take us to Elfcon 3."
Bernard jumped into a control centre chair and began pushing levers, and buttons, his face filled with worry. We checked the radar for a bit, still it was coming our way.
"I don't think there going to stop, or turn another way." I said, in a worried tone.
"Take us to Elfcon 2!" Bernard commanded. He then looked at me. "Check on all the elves."
I nodded. "Yes B." I said, already running to see if there were any noise the elves could be making. I looked, heard, looked, heard. I didn't hear anything in the workshop. I checked the halls, nothing. I checked the villages, nothing. I looked in the forests, where I doubt anything will be, nothing. I checked in restaurants and stuff, nothing. I went to check the stables, as I was sprinting to it. I heard a sound, that turned into a song got louder. My bones, skin, hair and everything, filled with worry as I heard the Elfcon 1 alarm go off. I was shaking at this point, all I heard was...
-Santa Claus Is Coming To Town-
I began sprinting even faster, where I saw 2 elf feet, bopping up and down to the song, in dad's sleigh. I walked over and stepped in the sleigh, turned the dancing Santa Curtis was listening to and put a finger to Curtis's lips. "Shh."
Dad and Bernard walked in when we were all clear for Elfcon 4.
They walked up, and Bernard gave Curtis a cold glare.
I stood up with Bernard, while dad gave Curtis a weary look. "Curtis, what do you say we get you a nice new set of headphones this Christmas?" He turned around to all the other elves. "It's alright everybody, back to work!"
As dad began walked away, Bernard turned to Curtis. "Curtis, your 900 years old, GROW UP!!"
I elbowed Bernard. "Bernard! Don't be too harsh on him-"
"Speak for yourself!" Bernard interrupted me. Not taking his eyes off the head elf in training.
"Don't interrupt me!" I shouted.
Bernard gave up and stood up.
"Y/N, Bernard, Curtis!" Dad called.
We all ran to dad.
"You know, I didn't break any rules. According to the Santa handbook-"
The head elf scoffed. "The handbook! Curtis, do you go pee-pee with that thing?"
I rolled my eyes, while Curtis ignored the head elf's comment. "It says elves are encouraged to listen to music. It makes them more creative, more productive, and more alert."
As I fell onto the sofa after today, it was only 6:00pm but I was exhausted. Bernard came in and sat down beside me. "I need to tell you something."
I scoffed. "Hello to you to."
He ignored me. "No, honestly."
I leaned up. "What?"
"It's about Santa, bad news for that matter."
I jolted out of my seat. "BAD NEWS!?"
"Calm down." Bernard said. "Curtis found something in the handbook, there's another Clause."
"Isn't that me?" I asked.
"No, in a contract."
I looked at him. "Oh. Then what?"
"Your dad needs to find s Mrs Claus."
"Meaning?" I said.
"By Christmas, and if he doesn't he'll turn back into Scott Calvin."
"I wont turn back right?"
He shook his head. "But you wont be able to see him again."
My heart skipped a beat. "No! What's the date today? April 1st?!"
He sighed. "November 26th."
I was almost crying. "What..."
He stood up and hugged me. "We'll find a way."
"And what if we don't?"
"We will." He said, resting his head on my head.
"Ok then..."

The Ideal Holiday (Bernard x Reader)
RomanceChristmas isn't Y/N Calvin'S favourite thing ever, but things change after awhile, Y/N is a 18 year old girl that soon finds her christmas spirit...read on to find out.