Chapter 32. Tell Me What?

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Bernard continued to refuse.

"Do it! Do it!" All the elves cried.

Bernard put his foot down. "I will, if you STOP SHOUTING!!!!!"

All the elves stopped and I giggled, the whole room went dead silent.

Bernard reached into his satchel and got down on one knee. This wasn't happening...or was it?

"Y/N Claus, I have known you for 9 years. It started with us being great friends, to us being lovers. I as head elf said that I would never fall in love. But when I met you...some of what I have said, has been wrong, once. I love you, Y/N and nothing can ever change that. Will you marry me?" Bernard spoke. 

I gasped. I didn't know what to say. "I-"

Bernard probably took that as a no. "Or that could be an answer-"

I jumped on him and hugged him. "Yes, yes and yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I exclaimed.

Bernard grinned and hugged me back.

All the elves cheered yet again.

I had to admit, the elves got the wedding for dad and Carol quickly. Me and Bernard's wedding had to wait though, which I didn't mind. Only because he proposed last and Carol's and dad's was much more important.

5 minutes before the wedding, me and Bernard dashed home to get ready for it. Bernard wore a suit while I wore a beautiful light (fc) dress with the headband, Bernard got me for Christmas 8 years ago.

I now have a Fiance and a step mother, how much did I have to take in? It was really exciting.

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