I was just feeding the reindeer while Bernard was doing his usual workshop stroll.
"Hey Donner." I said, while feeding Donner.
I smiled and walked over to feed Comet.
"Hey Comet." I said, while feeding Comet.
I smiled and walked over to feed Dasher.
"Hey Dasher." I said, while feeding Dasher.
I smiled and walked over to feed Dancer.
"Hey Dancer." I said, while feeding Dancer.
I smiled and walked over to feed Vixen.
"Hey Vixen." I said, while feeding Vixen.
I smiled and walked over to feed Cupid.
"Hey Cupid." I said, while feeding Cupid.
I smiled and walked over to feed Blixen.
"Hey Blixen." I said, while feeding Blixen.
I smiled and walked over to Dunder.
"Hey Dunder." I said, while feeding Dunder.
Then I walked off into the workshop to find Bernard.
I grabbed the walkie-talkie I got Bernard and I to find each other in workshops etc.
"B, where abouts are you in the workshop?" I said.
"I'm near the Hot Cocoa stall."
"I'll be there in 5." I said. "Stay there, unless if you need to do something."
I walked over to the Hot Cocoa stall and found Bernard waiting.
"Hey B."
"Hey Snow Angel." He smiled. Tossing me a candy cane.
"I said I liked candy canes once! And that was like 8 years ago!" I exclaimed.
"9 Years ago on Christmas." He smiled. "How are you today?"
"I'm ok." I spoke.
He walked over to me. "You sure?"
"Yeah." I smiled, taking a bite of my candy cane. "I've been here 8 years and it still feels like a dream." I chuckled.
"I see what you mean." He said. "Remember that time where you were saying how gorgeous this place was and I snuck up on you?"
I laughed a bit. "You could have killed me."
"If I did, Santa would have killed me, and I'd be dead to." He smiled.
Tommy then came over. "Bernard, we have a problem."
"What is it Tommy?" Bernard asked.
"There's a plane coming right in our direction."
Bernard looked at me with a worried look, and I also looked at him with a worried look.
"We need to get to the control centre." I said, Bernard nodding.

The Ideal Holiday (Bernard x Reader)
RomanceChristmas isn't Y/N Calvin'S favourite thing ever, but things change after awhile, Y/N is a 18 year old girl that soon finds her christmas spirit...read on to find out.