06 | Love Exposed

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Love Exposed

TW: Talk of homophobia.

Friday 23rd November, 1975

Dorcas caught sight of her and ran. She abandoned Amari in the corridor, sprinting after her. Marlene rounded another two corners, just out of Dorcas' reach - realistically, Dorcas knew that she could always call after her, but Marlene was with Lily and Mary, she didn't want to cause a scene. So, she continued running.

Marlene stood and waited for the moving staircase giving Dorcas her opportunity to close the distance between them. Breathing ragged breaths out, trying to get as much air into her lungs as she could, she tapped Marlene on the shoulder.

Marlene spun around, everyone else doing the same. "Dorcas!" Marlene smiled once she'd seen who it was.

Dorcas forced a smile. "Marlene, can I-"

"Why are you so out of breath?" Mary asked, looking at Dorcas as if she'd gone mad.

"Did you run here from your Common Room?" Lily suggested, shocked herself.

"No," Dorcas huffed. "I- look, I just need to speak to Marlene for a minute."

"The stairs are nearly here," Lily pointed at the approaching stairs, they'd be there within a minute.

"What's wrong, Raven?"

Dorcas glanced between the others, she couldn't talk to Marlene openly about this and she couldn't make it seem as if it were something important, Dorcas didn't want Marlene getting follow up questions because of her. "I just need to ask you something. I'll wait with you for the next stairs if you'd like?"

Marlene frowned and watched as Lily and Mary stepped on the stairs. "I guess I'll see you all in the Common Room for our free period?"

They both nodded and Marlene and Dorcas watched as the stairs began to move. "Don't be too long though, Marls!" Mary called.

Marlene giggled at her and turned to Dorcas. "So..."

Dorcas looked around the corridor cautiously, she couldn't talk about it here. What if someone overheard? "Is there anywhere we can go where it'll be just us?"

Marlene's face scrunched into confusion. "Raven," she chuckled. "Here's fine. Is something wrong?"

"No, I mean... It's important. I didn't know whether or not to tell you about it, but I think I should now. It's been too long."

"Tell me about what?" Marlene sounded scared now.

She leaned in close to Marlene's ear. "It's about your Boggart."

Marlene drew back at a rapid pace, eyes wide with terror. "What's that got to do with me and you?"

"I saw you two together that morning, Griffin... I know."

Remus and Peter huff as Elizabeth and Regulus win their third round in a row of Wizard's Chess. They'd been playing for a good while now, throughout lunch and now in their free period. Remus and Peter had played against each other at first, Sirius on Remus' side and James on Peter's. They'd switched after Peter and James lost. Remus and Peter had won two rounds of Wizard's Chess against Regulus and Elizabeth, they were now in the lead.

"You've got to be cheating!" Peter said, outraged, waving his hand over the board.

"They're not," James laughed from his bed. "Me and Pads have been watching."

"We're just better," Regulus shrugged.

"Another game?" Remus suggested. "Maybe it's just dumb luck."

"Three in a row?" Elizabeth scoffed. "I don't think so."

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