36 | The Breaking of a Family

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The Breaking of a Family

Saturday 9th October, 1976

The entire castle has heard that something happened last night and everyone has a different story. Barty must know that Regulus was involved. Regulus is bickering with him at the Slytherin table. He raises a hand, silencing Barty, who continues to open his mouth to talk but Regulus only pushes his hand closer, silencing him again.

Sirius smiles at his brother from across the hall. He may have always been the strongest in strength between him and Regulus, but Regulus has always been the better brother in a stressful situation. Regulus has always been stronger mentally than Sirius could ever hope to be. He loves Regulus so much.

"Sirius," Marlene nudged him in the side.

Sirius winced as her arm meets the wounds beneath his shirt. Madam Pomfrey had covered the cuts with a salve, the flesh was still mending itself together.

"Sorry," Marlene grimaces, eyeing the area.

"What happened last night?" Lily asks from the other side of the table. "I know that James, El and Rem are in the Hospital Wing. Pomfrey sent one of the elves to tell me last night so that me and Marls wouldn't wait up for them."

"He doesn't know," Peter cuts in before Sirius can say anything.

"Tell us," Marlene pleads. "We can only guess what you lot-"

"Good morning everyone," Dumbledore calls out, his voice traveling into every corner of the Great Hall. "I'm sure that you are all aware of the incident that took place here in the Castle last night. This is just another example of unnecessary violence in time of war. It is expected of you to fight back, to release your fear and your anger in unexpected ways. However I do not wish for such violence within the walls of this castle. Hogwarts is a safe place, the more each of you duels one another, the more fear it creates."

"Hogwarts? A safe place?" Marlene scoffs. "Tell that to Mary."

"I will be speaking to certain individuals privately to discuss the matter of last night further. I ask that you stop gossiping and spreading stories that are going to be false. The situation has been dealt with appropriately. So," Dumbledore smiles, clapping his hands together. "On that note I ask that Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew and Regulus Black meet me outside of the Infirmary once you are finished with you are all finished with your breakfasts. Good morning to you all and have a very pleasant day."

"What's going on?" Marlene hisses.

Peter and Sirius both shrug helplessly. "Not a clue, Marls."

"Oh, shut up Peter," she snaps. "You've been named. I know you're involved now."

Sirius pushes himself to his feet, nudging Peter to stand too. "We have to go," Sirius mutters.


"You heard the man," Peter smiles, jogging away to catch up with Sirius who is already nearing the doors.

"Pricks," Marlene rolls her eyes, turning back to Lily.

Professor McGonnagall looks pissed. Professor Slughorn looks worried, but also perky. Dumbledore looks... calm, Sirius would even go as far as to say unbothered.

"Are we having a stare off?" James jokes, forcing a smile to lighten the room.

He doesn't know this is my fault, Sirius thinks mournfully as he tries to smile at his best friend.

"We are waiting for Mr Black to arrive," McGonagall answers.

"I'm right here."

"The other one," Slughorn sighs.

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