15 | Joint Birthday Treasures

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Joint Birthday Treasures

Wednesday 27nth March, 1976

Marlene has never wanted to hit Miles before, but she does now.

All throughout lunch he's been muttering worries to Mary about James and Emily. Since finding out it's a joint birthday, he's been even more stressed.

"You don't have to worry, Miles," Mary chuckled, wrapping her wrist around his elbow.

"I've only been friends with Potter since December."

"That's long enough," Marlene mutters.

"Not at Hogwarts."

Marlene rolls her eyes, she's got enough to worry about, she doesn't need to be worrying about Miles and James.

Recently, all Marlene can think of is Lucinda. She thought that she was finally moving on, she spent an entire week not thinking of her dead girlfriend, but now... now all that is on her mind is the love of her life she never got to say goodbye to. And all Marlene wants to do is shout it to the rooftops.

Dorcas says it's a bad idea, Marlene agrees, but it's unfair that no one knows of their love except four people. Lucinda, Marlene, Dorcas and James. That's all that know.

"Miles," Mary giggled. "James won't give a shit about a present. He'll care if you're in a bad mood and then he'll hover until you're happy and pester you until you laugh."

"If you're so worried about getting him something, run off to Hogsmeade and get him a bottle of Firewhiskey."

Miles stopped in his tracks and frowned at Marlene. "One, I'm underage. Two, that would be breaking so many rules!"

Marlene stared flatly at him. "Are you kidding me-"

"He's joking, Marls," Mary chuckles, pulling them forward.

"I was about to say."

"I just don't want him to think I'm being rude."

"If it makes you feel any better," Mary smiles comfortingly. "We didn't get him anything either."

"You've known him for five years, not four months."

"Four months is long enough," Marlene grumbles again, she freezes automatically when she sees Elizabeth rush past them at the end of the corridor.

"Was that Elizabeth?" Miles asks.

Mary nods. "I thought she was with the Slytherin's? Why's she alone?"

Marlene shrugged. "I'll see you in double potions, Mary."

Mary opens her mouth to reply, but Marlene has already turned and disappeared around the corner.

Marlene stands in the doorway, watching as Elizabeth breathes in and out, calming herself. She's not sure if now is the time to tell Elizabeth what she needs to, but Marlene's been thinking about the right things to say for a week and she just has to now.

She closes the door behind her as she steps into the broom cupboard, Elizabeth flinches and spins around to face her. She has tears in her eyes and a panicked look on her face.

Marlene knows her own face looks guilty.

"I need to tell you something," Marlene whispers. It takes a lot of her courage to say the words.

"Marlene," Elizabeth croaks, her head shaking slightly. "Not now. Please."

"I need to tell you something," Marlene repeats, inching forward. There's not much room for the both of them in the cupboard.

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