51 | Jake and Lucinda's Research

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Jake and Lucinda's Research

Monday 24th January, 1977

"Blimey," James scowled, strutting out of Charms with his glasses steamed up.

"Give them to me," Elizabeth grinned, taking the glasses and cleaning them with the ends of her sleeve on her Gryffindor robes.

"Cheers, Ellie."

"That test was ruddy hard," Sirius whined, swinging an arm around Peter's and Mary's shoulders. "I didn't think we'd get anymore before NEWT's."

"If you read the Hogwarts calendar posted on the board in the Common Room then you'd know that the closer we get to seventh year the more random short exams we'll get to prepare us and-"

"Blah, blah, blah!" Sirius pressed his finger to Lily's lips. "Evans, darling. I-"

"Did you just call me darling?"

"I- no," Sirius stepped back. "No!"

"Here we go," Elizabeth grumbled and tuned out the next five minutes of what would essentially be Lily lecturing Sirius about responsibility and how important the NEWT exams are, meaning how important the short exams are for his future. Sirius tried to defend himself only for Remus to shut him up and allow Lily to continue, it was two against one.

"You alright?" James asks quietly. His shoulder bumps Elizabeth's as the group slowly shuffle down the corridor, Remus and Mary's laughs echoing as Lily continues to berate Sirius.

"Yes. I'm just tired, I didn't sleep very well last night."

"Have you been sleeping at all?"

"Leave it, James."

"I'm just saying! Lils said that she heard you sneaking back into the dorm half an hour before she usually starts waking Mary and Marlene up for breakfast."

"She needs to mind her own business. I know what I'm doing."

"She's only worried about you, and so am I for that matter! You're starting to become paler than Pads! And there's a heatwave going on!"

Elizabeth rolled her eyes, stopping in her tracks. She set her eyes on James's and squinted up at him. "What I do with my own time is my business. I don't appreciate you or Lily watching me and waiting to see when I return."

"You came back from Christmas in a bad state, you're still not eating properly and now you're not sleeping either and-"

"James!" Elizabeth held up a hand and silenced him. "I am bonding with my brother. I was unaware that that was a crime."

"It might be when you're researching the Dark Arts every second you're with him."

"Are you suggesting-"


Elizabeth flinched and spun on her heel, her fingertips pressed against the wood of her wand as she stared wide eyed at the person before her.

"Sorry," Pandora chuckled, it was a gentle sound. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"What are you doing here? Don't you have a class to be present for?"

"No," Pandora shrugs and smiles politely. "I've just had a free period and I've been standing at the end of this corridor for fifteen minutes."

"Why?" James frowned, looking at Pandora oddly.

James liked Pandora, James loved hearing about new animals she'd read about and just the sound of her voice was so quiet and soothing. Pandora is a very intelligent witch, she loved reading and gathering every piece of information that she could. James didn't think that there was one thing out there that Pandora didn't know about. But she was quite odd sometimes, very odd actually. It was just another thing he liked about her though.

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