14 | Great Expectations

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Great Expectations

Tuesday 12th March, 1976

As Elizabeth walks into the Great Hall with the girls and the Marauders, all the crowd around her can talk about are the new arrivals.

Which makes a change, as she's not in the spotlight for once.

"I hope there are some men transferring this time," Sirius comments as he struts down the space between the two tables. "Last time we only got two."

"Be grateful for what you get, Sirius," Marlene grins, wrapping her arm around him as they take their places at the Gryffindor table.

"I will be," he smirks, helping her to her seat.

Elizabeth was quite anxious for the new arrivals. Rumor has it that they're all from Beauxbatons, Elizabeth doesn't know what they've heard or what they know about Céline and Adeline's deaths, but selfishly, she hopes that none of their friends transfers to Hogwarts for revenge.

Every student was awaiting Dumbledore's arrival, bouncing their legs beneath the tables and sharing their thoughts on who the new transfers would be. When the time came for Dumbledore to walk through the doors, the Great Hall fell silent and everyone followed the Headmaster with their eyes as he walked to his seat.

"Thank you all for waiting patiently," Dumbledore announced, the candles dimming around him. "As I'm sure you are all aware, there will be three transfer students that will remain here at Hogwarts for the rest of their school years. They will be placed into one of the four houses. Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff or Gryffindor. Once sorted to their house, they will make their way to the selected area and we will begin the feast shortly after."

"I can't wait for the feast," Alice whispers excitedly. Elizabeth grins at her enthusiasm.

"Please welcome our new students!" As Dumbledore lifts his arms, the doors to the Great Hall open and in walk the three Beauxbatons transfers. They walk to the front of the hall and stand in a line before Dumbledore and the Sorting Hat eagerly. "When Professor McGonnagall calls out your name, you will sit in this chair and wait for the Sorting Hat to be placed upon your head, from there, you will wait to be sorted into your Hogwarts house."

Professor Mcgonnagall stepped forward with a scroll of parchment and called out the first name.

"Saul Vincent!"

A short black haired boy stepped forward. He was pale in complexion with a sharp jawline, he reminded Elizabeth of Regulus and Sirius. His body language screamed that he was confident, he walked more like Sirius did. McGonagall placed the hat upon his head once seated and the hall eagerly awaited his placement.

After minutes of anxious waiting, the hat shouted,


McGonnagall pulled the hat from his head with a hidden smile and pointed him to the table cheering for their new arrival. Once Saul was seated, she called out the next name.

"Charlotte Winter!"

A young red haired girl walked to the front, she grinned as she sat, watching as the hat was placed upon her. Within seconds, the hat shouted.


Charlotte lifted the hat from her own head and handed it to Professor McGonagall as she stood from the stool and walked to the blue and silver cheering table.

And finally, McGonnagal called out the final name, and Elizabeth dreaded that the girl would be placed into the house of Gryffindor. She was an old friend of Céline and Adeline's. Elizabeth had met the girl once when she was young in France visiting her cousins, they'd seemed close. If the girl truly knew what fate Adeline and Céline had endured, Elizabeth couldn't dare to dream the repercussions that she had long awaited.

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