22 | Switzerland

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Saturday 17nth July, 1976

A peck at the window, the flap of wings, the smell of burning toast and the sound of eggs cooking begins the day. It's OWL result day.

It's eight in the morning in the potter kitchen, Euphemia is cooking breakfast as Fleamont and James race to the window to let the owls inside. One delivering a letter to Sirius. One delivering a letter to James and the final one delivering a letter to Remus.

"It's time," Sirius taps his fingers along the smoothed polished wood of the kitchen table, grinning as James hands out the letters, Fleamont grumbling at his son as they take their seats.

Euphemia drops two eggs on Regulus' plate, abandons the pan in the sink and sits down eagerly too. "Open them, open them! What are you boys waiting for?"

"Everyone else," James frowns. "Mum! Did you forget?"

"You can tell the others when they get here! I'm your mother, I can't wait, James."

"Do not give in to temptation!" Regulus firmly says. "Remember the goal, Potter."

"We could just tell everyone when they get here," Remus grumbles. "They're not waiting for us."

"That's true!" Fleamont waves a finger in Remus's face. "The boys got a point, James."

"Fine!" He rolls his eyes, giving in too easily and breaking the wax seal on the back of his parchment. Sirius and Remus waiting for their turn.

Regulus, Fleamont, Sirius, Euphemia and Remus sit in anticipation as James reads his OWL results.

"Well?" Regulus paled at the numbness spreading across James' once excited face. "James..?"

James just stared in shock at his piece of parchment.

"Prongs, you're killing me," Sirius bites his lip anxiously. "Is it bad?"

"Oh!" Remus huffs, reaching out and snatching the parchment from James, placing it flat in the centre of the table.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


Pass grades; Outstanding (O), Exceeds Expectations (E), Acceptable (A)
Fail Grades; Poor (P), Dreadful (D), Troll (T)



Defence Against the Dark Arts.............................E


Muggle Studies....................................................P



History of Magic...................................................P

Headmaster Albus Dumbledore.

"I got four OWLS," James whispers.

"You got four OWLS," Sirius laughs, patting his best friend on the back.

"I only failed three classes."

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