29 | Bonding

122 7 49


Friday 20th August, 1976

Lily smiled as she bent down to pluck a petunia from its root, she quickly dropped it in her fathers water filled boot and grinned, continuing to pluck the flowers from the meadow.

Clearly her family loved plants, but they didn't have a lot of money. They had some, enough to pay the bills, the car and everything Petunia needed for her new job. Lily knew that if she asked for money to buy a vase then she would have it, but she didn't want to waste money on something that she could improvise to make.

So, she'd stolen her fathers ankle boot and filled it with water, where the ankle would normally sit there were far too many petunia's falling out. She would smile and apologize when she got home and spend all weekend drying it out for her dad before he went to work on Sunday.

Lily continued to pick as many petunia's as she could fit into the boot without breaking any of the stems. When she wasn't as James' or visiting Ted, Andromeda and her friends, she was continuously pushing herself into her sister's life again.

Lily had realized that, although it wasn't her fault that she had magic and her sister didn't, she had never tried to push past her sister's hate and instead spent most of the time with her friends during breaks instead of Petunia.

Petunia had finally given in this morning when Lily had walked straight into Pet's room and told her a speech she'd been rehearsing for two hours.

"Listen," Lily had sighed, barging right into her sister's room.

"Lily!" Petunia snapped, looking at her sister through the mirror.

"Just let me say this and then I'll go. I know I'm not welcome."

Petunia rolled her eyes, dropped the hairbrush and turned around to look at Lily properly. "Go on then."

"I have these friends at Hogwarts. They're magical, like me, but that doesn't make them evil. Two of them, Sirius and Regulus, they're brothers. Sirius is my age but Regulus is younger, the year below. They hated each other, they argued like we did, but because one was going down the wrong path. Not all magic is good, Pet. Sirius was worried for his little brother and his safety."


"Sirius and Regulus lived with the darkest witches and wizards in the wizarding world, the Black family. But they got out, they ran from this very evil wizard and their terrible abusive parents and now they're safe. They both live with James."

"I don't understand why you're telling me this?"

"Because it's me and you," she frowned. "Except we're not where they are, we're not laughing and smiling and doing each other's hair."

"They do each other's hair?" Petunia smirked.

Lily grinned. "Sirius wouldn't let anyone touch his hair. But... my point is, they managed to and they had everything against them. They had a powerful, malicious wizard trying to control Regulus and they had the cruelest family you could think of... but they got out and they managed to become brothers again- they actually were ok before they ran away-"

"I get it, Lily," Petunia shakes her head. "But we're not in an evil land where evil lurks around every corner."

"But I am!" Lily cried. "There's a Wizarding War and I'm scared that when I come home for summer or Christmas that you won't be here! When I read the paper every morning I check for your name, for mum and dads and I nearly cry when I don't because I'm so glad."

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