17 | Cheers and Tears

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Cheers and Tears

TW: Non explicit talk of sex and mature language.

Tuesday 25th May, 1976

Elizabeth wriggled nervously in her seat between Cassilda and Remus. It's the final Quidditch Game of the year, ending the Quidditch Season and Alice and Frank's Quidditch days. It was their final match at Hogwarts.

"We better ruddy win," Remus grumbles, mostly to himself. Elizabeth nods in agreement.

Jackson Moore, a sixth year Hufflepuff - also Elizabeth's former friend - steps into the Commentators Box and taps the microphone as the Slytherin players walk out onto the pitch.

"Good evening everyone! This is the 1976 Quidditch Season finale!"

Jackson's voice reverberated across the pitch and throughout the stands, the crowd began to cheer and boo at the green team.

"On the pitch we have the Slytherin Quidditch Team. Let's go through their roles and strengths."

"I absolutely hate it when he commentates," Cassilda says to her. "He just doesn't shut up."

"That's the point of commentating," Elizabeth giggled.

"They're supposed to talk," Pandora says from Cassilda's left. "I'm excited, this is my first Quidditch game here."

"We'd better win then," Cassilda smirks, glancing at Elizabeth in the corner of her eye.

"...Captain and Chaser, Rodolphus Lestrange! His final Quidditch Match at Hogwarts, let's hope it's a win. He's always good at scoring goals! Next we have Evan Rosier and Mulciber Avery at Lestrange's side as Chasers! Good trio, strong team. Following the Chasers we have the younger Lestrange brother, Rabastan and - replacement Beater from Amos Nott - Laura Timms. Let's wait and see how they play as a pair. Rabastan is a brutal beater, rarely misses his targets."

Elizabeth caught Cassilda smirking as the crowd began to grumble against Rabastan. He was known for sending a fair few of the players to the Hospital Wing.

"Next up we have Keeper, Riley Haywood, we're sad to see her go this year with Captain Lestrange. Finally for the Slytherin Team we have Seeker Regulus Black! He's fast, he's got a good eye on him. Let's see how he does against the strong competition!"

The crowd goes into uproar as the Gryffindor Team ascend onto the grass below, James and Sirius grinning and waving to their audience. Elizabeth sees Regulus shake his head at the two of them.

"For the Gryffindor Team we have Captain Frank Longbottom!" The stands begin to shake as students from all houses stand and applaud.

"He's bloody loving this," Remus laughs.

"He deserves it," Lily smiled down at the pitch.

"Settle down," Jackson calls into the microphone. "Settle down!" He shouts, and the crowd does settle. "Now, Captain Frank is very well known for his Chaser skills, hurling that Quaffle through those hoops and winning his Team's games. Alongside the Captain of course we have James-"

The crowd goes mental, James eats it up and smiles at his adoring fans.

"-Potter and Marlene McKinnon! Strongest Chasers in Hogwarts history I think. Gryffindor Beaters Sirius Black and Alice Fortescue! Girlfriend and bestfriend of the Captain. Brilliant pair, incredibly strong duo."

"I can barely hear him," Mary laughs.

"I didn't feel this much love when he was announcing the Slytherin's," Barty snaps, worming further up his seat to see the players.

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