60 | Nymphadora Tonks

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Nymphadora Tonks

Thursday 14th July, 1977

Elizabeth takes a deep breath as she stares into the mirror in her bedroom at Selwyn Manor. It's exactly two weeks into summer, where she'll return to Hogwarts for her seventh and final year and it's been hell already. Elizabeth wants to go back home; to Hogwarts.

She's spent every single night talking to Regulus through the two way mirror. Sirius, James and Remus had always interrupted towards the end of the call, Peter had said hello once as he'd been spending most of his time with his family.

Talking to Regulus and her boys was the only thing Elizabeth had to keep her going. Every day she was going out on attacks with other Death Eaters. The mask is suffocating, it's heavy with silver metal and the Dark Mark is always burning now.

It had taken her all but three days to grow used to the obsessive burning and the agony, that's how often she'd been called this summer. When she wasn't killing innocents, Elizabeth hid herself away in the manor with Cassilda - Jonathan hadn't been well since the full moon at the start of the month and they'd sit in his room reading and making him laugh.

Today was different. Elizabeth had pleaded with Divicci last night to allow her the day to spend time with Bellatrix at the Lestrange Manor. Divicci had jumped on the idea the moment Bellatrix had been mentioned and she'd ran to Jonathan's room to tell him and Cassilda the news.

In truth, Elizabeth was about to spend the day with Bellatrix in a small cottage with Narcissa, Andromeda, Ted and their new baby, Nymphadora Tonks, who was roughly three months old.

Bellatrix had visited Andromeda three times during her pregnancy and since she'd run and been disowned from the Black family. Narcissa has visited on more than ten occasions and has already met her niece twice. This will be the first time Bellatrix is meeting Nymohadora and the first time Elizabeth is seeing Andromeda and Ted since they married.

Elizabeth inhaled slowly and pressed down on the black dress she'll be wearing for the day. She couldn't leave Selwyn Manor in anything else, not in Elladora's eyes. There was a sudden knock on the door and Elizabeth almost broke her neck, she turned so fast. 

"Yes, Elladora?" Elizabeth said, expecting it to be her mother.

"It's me." Cassilda said lowly through the old oak door. "Can I come in?"

Elizabeth sighed in relief. She waved her hand and silently unlocked the door and a second later, Cassilda was stepping through and locking it behind her.

"You look beautiful, El."

"Thank you. I hope this dress will fit in the cottage."

Cassilda grinned and perched on the edge of Elizabeth black silk bed sheets. "It is a rather large dress."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes, she was wearing a plain black dress with a lower cut across the chest and patterns of the Wizarding World and some that looked similar to snakes across the bottom, which puffed out so much no one could get near her.

"Rather large is the understatement of the year."

"Do you-" Cassilda cut herself off laughing. "Do you remember that bright blue dress you wore when you were nine?"

Elizabeth's face dropped as she stared at Cassilda. "Don't remind me, Cass! That was hell in silk."

"You looked like a blue Kneazle..."

"That's funny because it actually did have Kneazle fur around the edges," Elizabeth shuddered as the memories flooded back.

"Be safe today, El," Cassilda said, suddenly serious.

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