2. Questions Without Answers

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Scar was in mild shock as he laid in the hospital bed in the ER. He was getting stitches for the knife wound under his jaw, but despite the repetitive pain of the needle threading through his skin, he found that all he could think about was that young man who had suddenly shown up to save him.

Scar had been staying up late, enjoying a movie, when the burglars had broken in. They were violent, demanding, and though he had tried to fight them, they had managed to get him tied up before threatening him. He had tried not to show it, but he was scared they would kill him, and didn't expect any help to come in time.

But someone had. That stranger who apparently had also chosen today to rob him, but had taken a much sneakier approach. Scar still wasn't sure how he got in. He hoped to be able to ask him later. Scar didn't know what had compelled the stranger to risk himself running in to help him, but Scar was glad he did. Though he felt terrible that Dream had gotten shot in the process.

Dream had passed out in the ambulance, which had been worrisome for a few moments, but Scar was assured he was stable. Still, as soon as they arrived at the hospital, the two were separated. Dream was rushed to an operating room somewhere else and Scar was here in the ER being treated. He had made sure they thoroughly documented his injuries. With one burglar dead and the other missing, Scar knew he and Dream would have to defend themselves in court at some point. Scar intended to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt Dream had acted in self-defense, along with defense of Scar. He may not know the guy, but he owed him that much. He wasn't going to let him get sent to prison for helping him.

Scar wondered how old Dream was. He wasn't a teenager, but he seemed to be somewhere in his twenties. Scar should have asked. If he was pretending Dream was his partner, that seemed like important information to have. He'll have to ask later. He would also need to tell Dream his own age. He almost chuckled. Being 41 himself, it might get some raised brows. But it was less suspicious than admitting Dream was another burglar who actually decided to save him for some reason, rather than a devoted partner who would of course run in to defend him.

Scar was glad he had that camera installed inside his living room. It was mostly so he could check on Jellie while he was gone, as she liked to hang out on a cat tree by one of the windows when he was at work, and sometimes he would just pull the feed up on his phone to cheer himself up.

Now the camera footage would have a different use.

The doctor put in the last stitch and tied it off, then clipped the remaining thread. He applied a thin layer of ointment over it and then covered it with a bandage. "Alright, you're done. These will dissolve, but until then, you'll need to take good care of it. Leave this bandage on for the rest of the day. Tomorrow, you should be okay to take it off, but don't scrub or pick at the stitches. Try to keep them dry. If you need to wash, only use water in this area, and then dry it back off. You probably won't need to bandage it after that but you can if you want. A little itching, redness, or swelling is normal, but please come back if it becomes painful or if you notice signs of infection."

"Okay," Scar said, sitting up and getting out of the bed, the doctor helping him up. None of his injuries had been serious enough that he needed to be admitted, which he was thankful for. He was quite sore though and would love to lay down, but he had too much he needed to do.

"Any questions for me?" the doctor asked.

Scar shook his head, smiling graciously. "No, I've got it, thank you. Where do I need to go now?"

He was led over to an administrative area, and once he had given them his insurance information and filled out other necessary paperwork, he asked about Dream.

The admin looked Dream up in the system, then said he was still in surgery.

"I see. Can I see him when he's done?" Scar asked.

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