6. Bonding

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Scar was worn out. He had hardly slept that first night after the robbery, even when the phone calls from concerned friends, family, and colleagues had ended. He had paced his house several times making sure any possible means of entry were locked down. He had to get his gate repaired, as the burglars had broken it open, and he had the security company scheduled to come look at it as soon as possible, as it hadn't even alarmed when it should have.

He ended up sleeping with a gun on his nightstand, just in case that surviving burglar came back. Though things were calm, he woke up several times throughout the night for no apparent reason. The second night wasn't much better. He kept thinking about Dream, hoping he was having an okay night in the hospital. Having been in the hospital himself for multiple reasons throughout his life, Scar knew how difficult it could be to rest there. Medical personnel let themselves in to do their checks at all hours of the day and night, there were weird noises, and the air was just a little too cold.

Scar had found a backpack in his bedroom that he immediately realized belonged to Dream. There hadn't been much in it, though he did find car keys, and some old wrappers from various snacks. There were a couple single dollar bills, some loose change. Digging further, he had been sobered to find personal documents. A birth certificate. A social security card in laminated plastic. Both a little worn, but still clearly looked after. There was also the title for a car. There was no reason for Dream to actually carry those documents unless he didn't have a home to keep them in.

Scar moved the backpack into a cabinet in his room where he could easily find it again, after taking down some of Dream's information. The hospital might need that.

There was no wallet or driver's license though, and he wondered if Dream might have had those on him when he went to the hospital. Stress did say they got personal items from his pockets.

After spending most of the second night tossing and turning, Scar just ended up getting up as soon as it was sunrise. He fed Jellie and played with her for a bit, then made himself some coffee, pacing as he drank. It was a work day, but he wanted to go see Dream again. Cub had promised he would take care of things in his absence, and to take some time to himself if he needed it. Scar wandered over toward the living room with his mug in hand, sighing at the sight of it. Once the investigators had gotten the pictures and other evidence they needed, they had collected the body and taken it out, and his living room was mostly restored to the way it was. He had already cleaned up the blood. The bat Dream used was going to be kept until the court date as evidence, however, which Scar was a little irritated by. He was never that into sports but the bat was from a fun baseball game he had played with his friends many years ago, and Doc had signed it to show off the mobility of his latest prosthetic arm design.

It had sentimental value. And while it did make an effective weapon and Scar was glad Dream had grabbed it, he was still upset that it was now dented and bloody. Even when he got it back, it would never be the same.

He sipped his coffee as he stared at the spot where that body had laid. He hasn't yet been told when all this would go to court, but he knew it was coming. He hadn't been arrested, as he hadn't harmed anyone, but the cops wanted to talk to Dream. Scar had gotten the camera footage proving that the other burglars broke in, and there was no evidence that Dream had also broken in. It simply showed him running in from the hall with the bat, attacking the burglar with the gun.

Mumbo had said it would be an open and shut case. But Scar was still worried that the jury would disagree, and Dream could get punished. A murder was serious, regardless of the circumstances.

Scar sent Cub a text letting him know that he was going to the hospital for a bit, and then he would be at home. He had a small breakfast, not hungry enough for more, and then headed out. He brought a blanket with him, figuring Dream would appreciate it during those cold nights. When he arrived at the hospital, he checked in with the front desk, and was told he could head on up. He did, and found the door was already open when he got to it. Walking in, he saw that Dream's nurse Bad was there, leaning over the bed. Scar couldn't tell what he was doing from his angle.

[Scar/Dream] Heart ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now