10. Back to Work

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Once Dream went to take his nap, Scar didn't really see him for the rest of the day. He wasn't surprised. Dream needed his rest after that uncomfortable hospital stay.

Scar spent the rest of the day relaxing too, watching TV and playing with Jellie, thinking about what all he'd have to do at work tomorrow.

He had already let Mumbo know that Dream was out of the hospital, and Mumbo was allowed access to medical information related to the gunshot wound. It would be useful for the case.

Scar had talked to the police department before making his offer to Dream about moving in with him. While the police would have kept Dream in jail until the arraignment if he didn't have anywhere else to go, they were fine with him staying with Scar so long as Scar took full responsibility for him. Scar accepted it. He didn't see Dream causing trouble during his stay. And after the arraignment, Scar would likely pay bail to make sure Dream could stay with him until the actual court date.

They had some stressful times ahead of them. But Scar was going to do what he could to get them both through it smoothly, and they could move on. He often glanced at the spot on the floor where the burglar had died. The blood was cleaned up but he had replaced the rug that was there, not liking the reminder of the old one. He still sometimes felt like he could smell the blood, though. The wound under his jaw itched and he had to resist the urge to scratch at it. It was healing well but the stitches hadn't dissolved yet. He was just trying not to touch it.

"We'll get through it," he said to Jellie, who was purring away on his lap. "No problem. Just a few days until that arraignment, and hopefully it doesn't take too much longer for it to go to court, though hm... that can take weeks sometimes, even months." Scar sighed. "Hopefully Mumbo can get it all wrapped up quickly, though."

Jellie kneaded her claws against his thigh and he took that as an agreement.

When it came closer to dinner time, Scar went upstairs to lightly knock on Dream's door, then called, "I'm about to make dinner, are you hungry?"

"Uh, no thanks," Dream replied. "Still full from earlier."

"Alright. I'm just going to make some soup then, I'll leave some in case you get hungry later." Scar went back downstairs.

He didn't feel like making anything fancy, instead electing to pour canned potato soup into a pot and heating it up on the stove. He spooned most of it into a bowl once it was done and left the rest for Dream, and after tossing some shredded cheese into the bowl, he returned to the living room.

He had a movie going, and watched the rest of it as he ate. By the time the movie was over, he was yawning and ready for bed.

"You tired?" he asked Jellie as he stood and she immediately jumped up too. "Yeah, I'm going to bed. I'll be there in a bit."

She took off ahead of him, familiar with what bed meant. Scar stopped by the kitchen to wash dishes, then headed upstairs. He heard movement inside Dream's room and almost opened the door to check on him, then decided to leave him alone. Dream deserved some space after having people walking in on him all the time in the hospital.

Scar went into his room, leaving the door open a crack so Jellie could go in and out. As he laid down, he heard Dream open his own door, then quiet footsteps going toward the stairs. Maybe he was going to eat.

Scar double-checked that the alarms on his phone were set, then laid it down next to his pillow. Jellie curled up next to him and he said goodnight to her, then pulled over one of the random stuffed animals on his bed to hug in an arm as he drifted off to sleep.

In the morning, Scar was up early as he often was on workdays. He briefly checked Dream's room. The door was closed and the light was off. He didn't expect to see him before going to work, but he might slide a note under the door for him to read later. He turned away and went downstairs.

[Scar/Dream] Heart ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now