18. The Wolf Den

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Dream was in mild shock as they stepped up to the counter and Scar greeted the cashier. His cheek tingled where Scar kissed him and he kept thinking about the way Scar's lips moved over like he was going to kiss him on the lips, his breath had been warm against Dream's face and he had almost just leaned in and taken the kiss. But then Scar had pulled away and Dream was now standing here with butterflies in his stomach, feeling warmth in his cheeks.

He focused on the conversation when Scar said his name.

"Yeah, one of those scones for Dream, and a hot chocolate," Scar said, and Niki entered it in.

"You want whipped cream on that?" she asked him.

Dream stared for a moment, feeling tongue-tied as he kept thinking about the kiss, but then he nodded and managed, "Y-yeah. Thanks."

She wrote something on a cup and passed it over to Ren, who was still lingering behind the counter helping the other employee. Though Dream felt like he mostly wanted to keep watching them.

He wasn't sure how he felt about Ren yet, but he certainly had a very dog-like energy. Dream almost expected a tail to just pop out from behind his back and start wagging.

Scar had already placed his order, and he paid for everything before stepping down toward the pick-up area. Dream followed him and watched as the second employee warmed up one of the scones and then passed it to him in a thin paper wrapper.

"Here you go, man," he said. His name tag introduced him as Connor and he had an assortment of pins, all depicting Sonic the hedgehog, on his apron.

He looked tired, but then, maybe that was just his face. Dream accepted the scone with a nod, and started to thank him, but he was already wandering over to work on making Scar's sandwich.

"Good ol' Connor," Scar said. "I've never met a man who loves Sonic the hedgehog as much as he does."

"Yeah, I had a feeling," Dream said, sniffing the scone but not wanting to eat yet until they sat down. It smelled good, though. "Does he have a fursona?"

Scar started to answer but Connor got there first, and Dream was a little surprised he had overheard. "Haha yeah, he's so cool, he's like. This rad demon squirrel who tries to fight Sonic but then they become friends..."

"Okay Connor, you can talk about Conzar later," Ren said. "We've got a lot of customers to take care of."

"Oh, yeah, sorry, Mr. Wolf." Connor brought the sandwich and Ren handed over the drinks. Scar had gotten coffee, which Dream shook his head at. He'll never understand the appeal of coffee.

"Alright, let's find somewhere to sit, hm... ah, over here." Scar led the way and Dream saw that he hadn't picked a proper table, but rather a low coffee table with couches near it. Scar sank onto a couch and wiggled into the cushion, getting comfortable. Dream sat too and found it to be a very squishy couch. He sank right into it.

He shifted forward so he could put his drink on the table, then relaxed back again, giving Scar an amused look. "This is an interesting place."

"Yeah, I love it." Scar was already digging into his sandwich. Dream looked around, still a little nervous about being out in public with so many people nearby, but no one was bothering him. He pulled his scone from the wrapper and bit into it. It was so soft it practically melted in his mouth, so fluffy and buttery, his immediate thought was that it was one of the best foods he's ever had. He took another bite, savoring it, even as he wanted to just tear through it in seconds.

"How is it?" Scar asked.

Dream's mouth was too full to answer. He just nodded and gave a thumbs-up, then kept eating.

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