42. Useful Information

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Scar spent most of his time in the waiting room just gazing off into space, listening to the music they played from a local radio station, sometimes humming along but otherwise just listening quietly. He rested back on the comfortable couch, hoping Dream was doing alright, and thinking about the next time he needed to come here. Just for a routine cleaning, but still, it was important. They would be able to check for any other issues while he's here.

Scar dozed off a little after a while, having a brief but weird dream about riding on the back of a whale that was falling from the sky, then shook himself awake when he heard the door open and close. It was just another client, who went up to the counter to check in and then went to sit down. Scar kept his eyes open for a bit, deciding to check his phone, but there wasn't anything that interesting going on. So he closed out of Facebook and put the phone away, leaning back into the cushion.

The nearby client was soon taken back for their appointment and Scar looked at the time, then yawned and rested his head on his hand. He blinked sleepily at the wall, surprised by how tired he was, but some days were just like that. He let his eyes drift shut again, and he thought it was only for a few moments, then he heard someone saying his name.

Scar opened his eyes, sitting up. He winced as his neck ached and realized he had leaned awkwardly over onto the armrest.

Dream was standing there next to False, giving him a curious look.

"Did you fall asleep?" Dream asked.

"Uhh... no, of course not," Scar chuckled, waving a hand.

Dream's expression said he wasn't buying it. Scar just decided to change the subject.

"So, how was it?" Scar asked.

"It was fine, I got my teeth cleaned and they're mostly okay besides some small cavities, but uh. The x-ray shows that my other three wisdom teeth are messed up," Dream said. "They're growing in sideways. I'll... need to have them removed."

"Oh." Scar stood up, taking Dream's hand. "I'm sorry to hear that. Those darn wisdom teeth, they can be such a pain. Well, guess we should schedule that surgery, huh?" Scar smiled at False. "When can we arrange that?"

"If you'll come over here, we can check the schedule," False said, gesturing for them to follow her.

They went over to the counter, but to a different person than the one who checked Dream in. Scar knew that this other computer was typically used for payments and for scheduling future appointments.

"When's the next available date for an extraction?" False asked the lady there. "We'll need time for three wisdom teeth, all surgical removals. I want to use general anesthesia so it will have to be a day our anesthesiologist is here."

"Let me see..." She looked through the calendar and Scar could feel Dream nervously shifting next to him. Scar squeezed his hand and he settled.

Scar told them that they couldn't do the appointment on the day of Dream's trial in November, though didn't say why, just stating that the day wouldn't work. Dream gave him a grateful look and False nodded, saying that was fine, she expected they would be able to get Dream in sooner anyway.

"But also uh, not on Halloween either," Dream said shyly. "We have plans."

"That's fine. How about October 28th? That's a Monday," the receptionist said.

Scar looked at Dream, who thought about it and then shrugged. "Uh, yeah, that should be fine..."

"Will 11 AM work?"

Dream looked at Scar, who nodded, so Dream agreed. "Yeah."

"Great! I'll go ahead and schedule you."

False turned to Dream. "We already talked about it, but is there anything else you want to know before the surgery?"

[Scar/Dream] Heart ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now