4. The Lost Son

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Scar was shocked by the revelation of who Dream's father was, but his surprise turned quickly into concern as Dream started breathing hard again, looking scared.

"You've heard of him?" Dream asked, shrinking back slightly.

"Yeah, of course. It was all over the news when you disappeared, we even heard about it up here, they were offering money to anyone who had information about where you might be..." Scar trailed off as Dream's pupils shrank and he looked like he wanted to scramble out of the bed.

"You can't tell them I'm here, Dad can't find out, please," Dream begged. Scar looked over at the heart monitor as Dream's pulse started racing, going from a resting rate in the seventies to over a hundred in seconds. Oh, that wasn't good.

"I'm not going to tell anyone," Scar assured him. "You've been gone this long, you even changed your name, it's obvious you didn't want to go back. I'm no snitch."

"But they're going to find out," Dream said, not seeming to be listening to him. He was staring into space. "I killed that burglar. In your house. And you're a big deal. It's going to be all over the news. What if Dad comes to find me? No, I can't stay here, I need... need to move again, I'll go further west, I..."

"Dream," Scar said firmly, standing and taking his hand. Dream's palm was sweaty and Scar gripped firmly so the other couldn't slip away. "You need to stay here and recover. I promise, nothing bad will happen to you. You're safe here."

"You don't know what he's like." Dream's expression was haunted. He was hyperventilating now and Scar could tell his heart rate was high enough to be concerning, the monitor beeping. He wondered if it was alerting the nurses.

"Ohh, I can guess," Scar muttered. "I met him once, at a business conference I attended in Florida. We did not get along. Okay, easy now. Breathe." He tried to again settle Dream, being familiar with helping people through panic attacks, but Dream wasn't listening to him as easily this time. Scar's mind was racing. This was the long lost son of the governor of Florida. It's been a while since Scar had heard anything about him. He was pretty sure Governor Clayton had given up on finding him. The news hadn't referred to him as Dream, though, but rather as Matthew. Scar liked his new name more, and wasn't going to bring up the old one to him. Though Dream was around ten years older now, he looked a lot like the picture Scar had seen back then.

Bright green eyes, dirty blonde hair, freckles across his cheeks; fewer now, but they were still visible. It was obvious the years were hard on him. There were lines under his eyes. He looked so tired, there was a gauntness to his cheeks compared to how full they were as a teenager.

Scar hadn't made the connection when he pulled the mask down and first saw Dream's face. He had far too much on his mind then, and he's seen plenty of people on the news, and it's been years since he saw the last report about Dream. He just saw him as a good-looking stranger, one he was very thankful toward. And now he was finding out who he really was.

Scar focused back on Dream, who was shaking, and Scar kept trying to soothe him. His heart rate hadn't gone down yet. Scar tried reaching his other hand to Dream's face and Dream flinched back. Scar quickly pulled his hand back, instead electing to just hold Dream's hand between both of his.

"It's okay," Scar said again. "He's not going to find you. Dream, can you look at me? Please?"

Dream met his eyes. Scar smiled at him.

"Good, just keep looking at me. Breathe with me now, like we were earlier. You'll feel better, I promise."

Dream seemed to be struggling with it this time. Scar was still coaching him into slowing his breathing when the door opened and a tall man in scrubs walked in. He looked to be a little older than Dream, handsome and with bright eyes, and he wore a serious expression as he came over to the bed.

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