33. Overindulgence

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The movie was great. Dream liked the movie. Certain plot points seemed kinda contrived, and he had plenty of questions, but. As Scar said, the plot was just a reason to make giant robots fight giant monsters. It was still very enjoyable.

And as the credits rolled Dream knew he had drunk too much. The wine was just so good it was easy to keep pouring glasses of it, but he was feeling a little nauseous now and his head was spinning. He couldn't think straight and he was in a giggly, happy mood like that first time he tried wine with Scar.

He was far more comfortable with Scar now though, and he sprawled across Scar's lap on his back without shame, reaching up to hold Scar's face. He stared at him for a while, appreciating how handsome he was, before finally letting go. His arms dropped heavily and he giggled at the bemused look on Scar's face.

"You're wasted," Scar said.

"Noo, I'm. I'm fine," Dream replied, reaching up again to pat Scar's cheek in reassurance.

Scar took his hand and kissed it, then lowered it out of the way. "You're definitely drunk. I'm cutting you off. No more wine for today."

"Aww, really?" Dream asked, disappointed.

"Yes. I don't want you getting sick. We can have more tomorrow or something but I just want to be careful. Considering your father... you are at risk for alcoholism, you know. You were worried about that yourself."

Dream wanted to protest, but he understood what Scar was saying. He did need to be careful. It was all too easy to just say he was enjoying the flavor, and how it made him feel good... but that was how it got people. He didn't want to become addicted like his father. So he sighed and nodded. "Oh. Yeah. Um... I'm done, then. Can I get something else to drink?"

"I'll get us both some lemonade," Scar said. He gathered their glasses and the bottles, taking them to the kitchen. Dream stretched out on the couch while waiting, groaning as the room wavered around him. He was still giddy, but he felt exhausted too. Which was silly. He had a nap not too long ago. But maybe it was the wine.

Scar came back with new cups and sat down, offering one.

"Here, drink some of this. Slowly. Don't upset your stomach," Scar said.

Dream pushed himself up and took a cup, drinking some lemonade. It made his stomach feel a little better. Then Scar offered him a couple crackers.

"It might help to eat something dry," Scar explained. "Pizza and alcohol isn't a good combination, so you should get something else in you."

"That pizza was so good, though," Dream said, taking the crackers and crunching on one. It was roasted herb-flavored and was very good.

"I know. But it's still not a good combo, trust me. Pizza and alcohol bring out the worst in each other." Scar ate a few crackers too, then sighed and leaned against Dream, wrapping an arm around him. "I think I drank too fast. My stomach hurts."

"Me too."

"I'm not drunk exactly, but... I can feel it. Yeah, we both definitely had enough," Scar said.

"It was really good wine," Dream said.

"Absolutely. I'm glad you liked it. We just gotta be responsible now, sorry."

"It's okay. The lemonade's good." Dream took another drink and leaned forward to set it down. His stomach grumbled and he took some deep breaths, looking at the TV for a while. The credits all blurred before his eyes. Okay, he really did have too much. It happened so easily.

Dream waited for Scar to put his drink down too before climbing into his arms, wanting his warm touch. He didn't think much about what he was doing as he swung a leg over Scar's lap, straddling him in his effort to get closer. But Scar made a small noise, hands falling on his hips, and Dream saw his face flush.

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