12. Catching Up

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It was weird living in a house again.

Dream felt awkward and out of place, and stayed in the guest room while Scar was home, not wanting to get in his way. Dream liked the bed and slept well enough, though he woke up a few times throughout the night before finally just deciding to stay up. It was early in the morning and he laid there in bed, staring at the bottles of pills on the nightstand, thinking about how he needed to take his medicine. He needed to do some stretches with his hurt arm. But even though he knew he needed to do it, he couldn't bring himself to get up. He was still tired. His thoughts seemed staticky.

It took around an hour for him to push himself up and go over to collect the pills he needed to take, and he grabbed his bottle of Gatorade to take them with. Once they were down, he picked up the paper explaining the arm exercises he needed to do, and sighed at the thought of doing all this. His arm didn't feel that bad. He was sure it was fine.

He laid back down. He could hear when Scar got up, and listened to his footsteps as he passed the room. Scar paused and Dream thought he was about to come in, but then he kept going. Dream started dozing off again, only waking up when he heard noise outside the door again. He looked over and saw a piece of paper slide under the door, then Scar was gone again.

Dream stared at it for a bit, then slowly got up and went to read it. It explained that Scar was heading to work and Dream could have whatever he wanted for breakfast and lunch, as well as a few other reminders for him.

Dream was kinda hungry but not enough that he felt he needed to eat right now. He took the note over to the nightstand and laid it down, then curled back up in bed. Light was coming in through the curtains now, just enough to make it hard to fall asleep. He shoved his face into a pillow, grumbling.

He wondered why he felt so exhausted. He's been in here since arriving yesterday, other than when he briefly went downstairs to get the rest of the soup Scar had made. He should be well-rested. But he still didn't want to do anything. Maybe he just needed a little more sleep.

He dozed off, waking up a few hours later by the need to use the restroom. He got up, figuring Scar would be gone to work by now. He opened the door and looked around. Sure enough, the house was quiet. He took a step out and heard a meow. Jellie trotted over from Scar's room, tail up, looking at him expectantly.

"Uh, hi, Jellie." He knelt down to pet her, then continued to the bathroom. When he closed the door, she laid down and stuck a paw under it, which he found adorable. She must get lonely when Scar was gone.

Dream felt lonely too. He had gotten used to having Scar around, listening to that cheerful voice as he told stories and joked around. But he had gone for years spending most of his time alone. He could handle it.

When he was finished and opened the door, Jellie jumped back up and walked away, then looked back at him and meowed.

"What?" Dream asked. "Do you need food?" He was pretty sure he saw food in her bowl last night, and surely Scar kept on top of feeding her.

Jellie kept looking at him. Dream walked over and sat down, letting her snuggle up and petting her for a while. She eventually got up and ran off down the stairs. He considered following her, but he felt weird about walking around Scar's house when he wasn't here. So he returned to his room, laying back down and gazing up at the ceiling.

He had plenty of time to think about his current situation while he was in the hospital, but it felt more real now. Scar seemed confident Mumbo would get him through this, but Dream still worried over the possibility that he would be found guilty anyway. He would go to prison. He thought about the person he killed and felt sick. He just wanted to knock him out, keep him from causing any more harm. But with that pain in his arm, Dream had just been seized with fury, and...

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