49. The Party Begins

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It turned out a lot of people had signed up for the contest. Dream tried to keep track of names for a while but eventually just gave up. Besides, Scar and Cub were on it, writing notes about everyone who went up on stage. Dream just enjoyed looking at the costumes.

But finally everyone had gone up to show off their outfits, and it was time for Scar and Cub to decide on the winners. They discussed it in hushed whispers, trading notes around and pointing out different names, and writing down their final decision for each category.

Once they were in agreement, Scar grabbed his mic and called, "Okay, everyone! It was difficult, you all look so amazing, but we've decided on our winners!"

Everyone quieted down, waiting eagerly to hear it. Scar and Cub went up to the stage with their paper and their basket of prizes. Dream stayed where he was.

"If I call your name, come on up here so we can all get a look at you again," Scar said. "First up, I want to give out the award for our best first timer! And we've decided to go with... Adam Skye, for your cool punk demon costume!"

"Whoo!" Adam ran up onto the stage, throwing up demon horns as he did.

The audience clapped while Scar and Cub both shook his hand, then gave him an envelope. They turned to face the crowd, and Dream saw someone with a camera take a picture.

Adam left the stage and Scar went through the rest of the winners. He decided to give the Spirit of Goodtimes award to the person in the Spyro costume, which made Dream chuckle. Dream had been pretty vocal about how much he liked it when the person went up to the stage, so it seemed Scar decided to award that one on his behalf.

Best in show was saved for last, and Scar spent a while talking about how hard the decision was, but finally he announced it. It went to someone Dream had seen earlier in the research and development department, who was dressed as a Big Daddy from Bioshock. They made the costume themselves and it looked extremely impressive. It was also huge and difficult to see out of, and another employee helped them up onto the stage and took the award on their behalf, since they didn't trust themselves to take it.

They got thunderous applause as their picture was taken.

Dream got a picture too, sure that his friends would love to see the costume.

After that, Scar had everyone who competed come up for some final group photos, then the contest was over and everyone slowly dispersed, going back to work or to roam the building some more for snacks and entertainment.

Scar hung out in the auditorium for a while, chatting with people, and Dream went to stand with him but didn't really talk. He felt that creeping exhaustion that came from long periods of social interaction and was looking forward to going home.

Scar took his hand and smiled at him, then kept talking to the others. But finally, Scar and Cub decided to return to their offices to finish things up for the day. Dream trailed behind them as they headed for the elevators, and when they got in one, Dream pressed to Scar's side and sighed.

"You alright?" Scar asked, petting his hair.

"Fine. Just... tired," Dream said. "Of being around people. It's a lot."

"Yeah. But you're doing really well. Thanks for coming with me, it's been fun having you here."

Dream nodded. He was getting to a point where he just wanted to stop talking altogether. When they got to the top floor, Dream walked past everyone to Scar's office and laid down on the couch inside, closing his eyes.

He heard footsteps and then the door closed. He looked to see that Scar had come in.

"Sorry, just... I think I need a nap," Dream said.

[Scar/Dream] Heart ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now