30. The Article

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That night, Scar and Dream walked upstairs together and Dream lingered in the hall, glancing toward his room and then at Scar.

"Um. Could we..." Dream took a step toward him, then hesitated and looked away.

"Could we what?" Scar asked, leaning in, curious.

"I liked... having you there, last night. So I was wondering... could we do that again?"

Scar smiled, reaching out to pull him into a hug. "Sure! Whenever you want, I'd love to. Wanna go to your bed or mine?"

"Is... is yours okay?" Dream asked, sounding unsure.

"Why wouldn't it be? Come on in, come on in." Scar kept an arm around Dream's shoulders as he led him over to the room. He dropped his phone onto the nightstand and climbed into bed, then held the covers up, inviting Dream in.

Dream stood next to the bed for a few moments, still uncertain. He glanced back toward the hall. Then he stepped forward, getting up on the bed too.

Once he was lying next to Scar, Scar dropped the covers onto him and turned onto his side, watching Dream. "You look nervous."

"It just kinda feels awkward," Dream said, fiddling with the blanket. "But I know that's because it's new. I'll get used to it."

"Yeah. But I'm glad you're giving it a try. Can I cuddle you again?"


Dream didn't move as Scar moved closer to him, resting a hand on his shoulder and giving a small squeeze. "Could you lay on your side, facing away from me? I want to spoon you."

Dream listened and Scar snuggled up behind him, draping an arm over his middle and sliding the other under his neck, holding him close. It took a few moments of adjustment to get really comfortable, especially since Dream was a bit taller than him. But Dream soon settled back against him and Scar could already feel himself dozing off, always feeling more at ease when he had the warmth of someone else against him.

Still, they spent a few minutes talking quietly, first about their plans for tomorrow, and then a little about their relationship. Dream still seemed to find it hard to believe Scar was interested in him, but Scar repeatedly assured him that he liked him, and he told him how attractive he found him, and laughed affectionately once Dream was flustered and blushing. Conversation wound down then as they settled in, Scar holding Dream's hand as they drifted off to sleep.

Dream was in a good mood the next morning and Scar was glad to see it. He hugged him and kissed his cheeks a few times, then said he could keep resting since the meeting with Mumbo wasn't until later.

Dream mumbled non-committedly and Scar ruffled his hair and got up. Scar started changing into his day clothes and Dream lifted his head, blinking sleepily. "Where are you going?"

"Gonna check my work emails," Scar said, gesturing toward his study where he kept the desktop computer he reserved for work-related stuff. His personal laptop was back in there too now, since Dream no longer needed to use it, but Scar hardly used it unless he had to travel. He simply preferred the desktop.

"Oh." Dream fumbled to find his phone and checked the time, then yawned and sat up. "Can I come with you?"

"To... watch me check emails?" Scar asked, amused.

Dream shrugged. "I'm curious what all you do."

"Feel free, you'll probably be bored though. It's Friday so I'm gonna be checking in with Cub to make sure things are good for the morning meeting on Monday."

[Scar/Dream] Heart ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now