Six Weeks

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"Girl, I can't get enough of how Dave fucks me. Just last night he had me pinned to the wall by my neck with both his hands underneath me and his tongue twisted on my clit in this python position that he found on the internet." Karen said, fanning herself.

I sighed as Dorinda gasped and sat forward with her drink in her hand.

"I thought I was the only one. Bitch, Maurice had me the same way only ours looked more like a spider position the way he had my legs dangling."

I sighed again this time louder making them both look at me.

"Jacky, what's wrong with you?" Karen asked.

"Nothing." I said, getting up with my glass in my hand. I excused myself to the kitchen only for them to follow me.

I put my glass in the sink before leaning against the counter and closing my eyes. I felt eyes on me only to open mine and see Karen and Dorinda staring at me.

"You're lying to us. What's wrong with you?" Dorinda asked.

"You can be honest with us and you know that... come on, now. What is it?" Karen asked.

I took a deep breath before answering them.

"Well, I know that you two are in happy healthy relationships and I'm so happy for you both, but it doesn't exactly make me feel good knowing that my little sisters are getting all the play meanwhile I'm over here lonely. Like am I ugly or something? What's going on?" I asked.

"Jacqueline, shut your ass up. You're the prettiest, sexiest, finest woman that I know and I'm not just saying that because I'm your sister. You're the one who taught us the secret to aging gracefully so for you to think you're ugly is just.... it's just...."

"Baffling." Karen said, finishing Dorinda's sentence.

"Thank you, baffling indeed. You are so pretty. You're gorgeous sister. Don't you ever think otherwise. I know that you're tired of being lonely, but you will find someone that will love you and that will knock your walls into pieces. It's just all about being patient."

"That's it. Patience is a virtue and it's the key to you finding the man of your dreams." Karen said.

"If I'm being honest I'm tired of being patient and alone. I know I said that I would wait and I did after my honey passed away God rest his soul. I've been patient and I've waited for over four years now. All my children are grown and they're living their best lives. Angel was just telling me how many blind dates she's been on before she found Mr. Right. At my age I don't have time for games and I don't exactly have all that much time to wait. I know exactly what I want. I'm an older woman looking for a little bit of dick. What's wrong with that?" I asked.

"You're really asking us that? Of course, nothing is wrong with it just look at us and our men. We're older women with younger significant others. If that's what you want I say go for it. If you're looking for a love connection Dave and Karen are your solution. They brought Maurice and I together and honestly I couldn't be more happier and more grateful to them for all their help. If it wasn't for them Maurice and I would've never been and I don't ever want to picture my life without him. That man not only holds the key to my heart he is the key. Now, if you're willing to date a younger man I say go for it. It's truly a life changing experience and journey. You'll be glad you did."

"Jac, you're my big sister and you've always held me down, no matter what. It's truly no problem at all for me to talk to Dave. Just say the word. I promise what we did for Dorinda we will no doubt do the same for you." Karen assured me.

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