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It'd been a month and a half now since Jacky and I had became a thing, and stuff was going good. That was until she started acting weird on a brother. I didn't understand what was going on, but I knew that it was something serious. I just had to figure out what was going on. I saw her sitting in the living room on the catch watching a movie, and decided to approach her.

"Yo, ma. Can you talk to a nigga?" I asked, standing in front of her.

Jacky sighed before grabbing the remote and turning the TV off. I sat beside her and looked at her as I waited for her to tell me what was bothering her. I placed my hand on her thigh as I looked at her. Jacky took a deep breath before speaking.

"Jay, I've been getting convicted lately about what we've been doing and I think we should stop." Jacky said, coming out and saying it.

I scrunched my face up in confusion.

"Convicted? What does that mean ma?"  I asked.

"It means that I've been made aware by my wrongdoings. Okay, so before you I had an amazing relationship with God and with the Holy Spirit, but we started being intimate and that relationship has taken a backseat. Other reasons are because when you're a child of God and you sin you have an advocate with the Father. I have to get back to my roots now. It's been six weeks and you can now do things for yourself and move on your own. So, I'm going to go back to my life before this all began." Jacky said, getting teary-eyed.

"Wait, so what about us?"

Jacky grabbed my hand and held it.

"Jay, I like you. I really do and this time that we've spent together has been nothing short of amazing, but I can't let what this was between us get in the way of what I have with my Savior." Jacky said, wiping tears from her eyes as she stood up.

Jacky sniffled as she looked at me and I stood up.

"Do you have another place to stay? If you don't you can stay here until you do, but I'm going to have to put some rules and boundaries in place." Jacky asked. I rubbed my chin softly as I thought.

"Nah, ma. Ion wanna make things hard or difficult for you and I also don't wanna come between you and God. I ain't the person to do that type of thing cause I was raised in a Christian home and I knew how powerful things can get when God wanna get someone attention. So, to make this easy for the both of us I can go stay with one of my homies for the time being."

"I'm sorry." Jacky sniffled.

"Don't apologize ma. I appreciate yo honesty for real. I just hope that this ain't the end for us. Maybe we can remain friends?" I asked.

Jacky nodded her head yes.

"I would really like that honestly." I could see her fighting back tears as she looked at me.

"Come here." I said, opening my arms.

She walked into my arms and I gave her a hug. I knew that this was hard for her, and to be honest this was hard for me too cause I really liked her and I wanted to make things official with us, but God came first and if you ain't have God then you ain't have nothing. If he was dealing with you then you had to listen no matter how hard it was and no matter what it was that he was telling you to let go, because if you didn't he had a way of bringing you to a place that he wanted you to be in. When he did it no one was happy at least that's what I heard from my mama. I held Jacky in my arms for a moment in time before kissing the top of her head and letting her go. I called my homie to come get me and he told me that he was on the way.

"Aite, so he coming to get me. Ima pack up so when he get here I can go ahead and leave." I said.

Jacky nodded her head as she looked at me. We went our separate ways before I went to the guestroom where I was sleeping and grabbed my duffel bag. Before I finished packing I grabbed my phone as I sat on the edge of the bed and made a phone call.

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