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Two weeks had passed since I'd last heard from Jacky. I called and texted her everyday. Sometimes she would answer me, but most times she wouldn't. I knew that she was trying to hide something from me. I could feel it. Although a brother ain't know what it was I just assumed that she'd gotten her prayer answered by God and his answer was no on her part cause look at me. I was a hood nigga after all. I was a hood nigga with a big heart. God had answered me concerning her, because I couldn't get her off my mind and he'd even given me a dream about her. She was in a wedding dress and she looked so beautiful and happy. A brother had butterflies.

I couldn't tell her that though. I ain't wanna tell her anything until I knew what was going on with her.

"Jay, bruh have you heard from Jac?" Dave asked, walking over to me.

"Nah, she been ghosting me. Why? What's going on?" I asked.

Dave drank some of his soda pop before smacking his lips together and looking at me.

"Bruh, it ain't my place to say. All Ima say is that you need to check on her." Dave said.

Standing up, I looked at him weird.

"Bruh, if something going on you need to let me know. That's my wife."

"Wife? Nigga, ya'll ain't married. Whatchu mean wife?" Dave asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Mane, that's my wife. God told me she was the one and I feel like he wouldn't lie to a nigga so Ima take the necessary steps I gotta take to get where I need to be so her and I can be equally yoked." I said.

Dave stared at me for a moment trying to see if I was bluffing.

"Bruh, you serious?" Dave asked.

"Yeah, I'm serious." I said.

"Aite, well then if that's the case you need to go to her place and check on her. She going through it right now bruh. Probably why you ain't heard from her too."

I ain't even wait for Dave to finish talking. I grabbed my coat and my keys then headed out the door. Getting in my car, I drove off towards Jacky's place. I wasn't sure what was going on, but one thing I did know was that I would find out cause this wasn't like her to just disappear. Once I saw that her car was in her driveway I knew that she was at home. So, I parked behind her and got out. Getting to her front door, I used the spare key that she kept underneath the floor mat to get into the house. Seeing that all the lights were off had a nigga nervous, I had this bad feeling as soon as I opened the door.

"Yo, shorty? Where you at?" I called, walking through the house.

I walked through all of downstairs and didn't find her nowhere. So, I headed upstairs. With every step I took the bad feeling got deeper and more stronger. I walked to the end of the hall and saw that her door to her room was cracked, but her lights were off. I walked down the hall to her room and saw her laying in bed asleep. Walking over to her, I kneeled down as I kissed her forehead.

"Yo, ma. Wake up, I got something to tell you. Get up-" I stopped once I realized that her pillow was soaked with blood.

Panic instantly set in as I pulled her up and into my arms seeing that she wasn't sleep she was actually unconscious with a very low pulse.

"Bruh, come on don't do this. Don't leave me. I just found you. I can't lose you man." I said, feeling tears fall down my face.

Picking her up, I grabbed her phone as I carried her downstairs to my car and put her in my car. Closing the door, I sped down the street to the hospital not caring about nothing, but making sure that she was alright.Once I got there they took her from me and rushed her to the back. I'd experienced losing friends and family before, but this one hit different.

Seeing her blood all over me, I went into the bathroom and called Dave. He answered on the third ring.

"Yo? Wassum?" Dave asked.

"Bruh, get to the hospital right now. Bring Karen and her sisters with you."

"Mane, what's going on?" Dave asked.

"Just get here now." I said.

"Yo, tell me what's going on so I'll know what to tell my wife."

I took a deep breath before answering him.

"Jacky tried to kill herself." I said then ended the call.

I ain't knew what to do or what to say about this situation cause she was so strong and the fact that we were even here for this reason felt surreal. I knew that whatever drove her to this point of wanting to do this had to be serious. I wiped tears that formed in my eyes before stepping back outside to where I could hear if they called her name or something. Before I could even get to a seat I heard her name be called. As I walked over to the doctor my heart raced a mile a minute in my chest.

"Yo, doc. Please.... just tell me she okay, bruh." I said.

"Who are you to her?"

"I'm her husband. Is she okay?" I asked, putting more bass in my voice.

He sighed as he opened her chart then looked at me.

"Well, Mr.-"

"Just call me Jay." I said, cutting him off.

"Well, Jay. She is in a coma. She's stable, but she's in a coma. She lost a significant amount of blood. Do you know of anyone with the same blood type as her that can donate?"

Before I could answer him Dave ran into the hospital with Karen behind her and Dorinda.


"JAY, WHAT DO YOU DO TO HER?!" Dorinda yelled, hitting me with her purse.

"Yo, I ain't do nothing! Dave, get yo fam bruh. I ain't do nothing!"

"Woah, excuse me. Who are you all to the patient?" The doctor asked.

"WE are her family, and HE is a guest. He shouldn't even be here! I told her not to fall in love with you. I knew she would get hurt!" Dorinda yelled as her eyes filled with her tears and her face consumed with anger.

"Bruh, I ain't do nothing. I ain't gon' say that again. Dave, bruh get yo sister in law. I ain't gon' say that again either."

"Jay, I'm sorry but it's really hard for us not to believe that you didn't do anything when she spends her time with you. You were the last person with her. So, how can we trust that?" Karen asked.

"Exactly, why do you think I'm so upset? Because I know that it was him. He did something! Doctor don't tell him anything. He's nothing to her." Dorinda said, folding her arms across her chest.

The doctor raised his eyebrows as he looked over at Dorinda.

"Nothing to her? He said that he was her husband."

"HUSBAND?! Ha! He's barely a boyfriend. Doctor, I'm her blood sister, and as her sister I'm telling you not to tell this boy anything regarding my sister. He doesn't deserve to know and has no right to any of that information. That's against hospital policies for you to give out any information to a person if they're not family and he's not. So, that should be dismissed." Dorinda said.

"She's right. He shouldn't know anything." Karen added.

The doctor looked at me sympathetically seeing the distress and worry on my face.

"I'm sorry, sir. But I can't tell you anything more and I need for you to leave before I call security."

"But bruh-"

"Sir, make this easy on yourself." The doctor said, cutting me off.

I yelled out in frustration before punching a hole in the wall and storming out. I couldn't believe that had just happened. I had every right to be there just as much as them. I was the one that found her and for them to do that, and for Dave to not even speak up showed where his loyalty was. This wasn't right and I thought we were better than that.

I guess I was wrong.

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