Clear Things Up

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Rubbing my face, I realized that bae had been gone a little too long. I heard commotion downstairs which made me throw on my shirt, boxers, and sweatpants before running downstairs to see what was going on. Once I got downstairs I saw Jacky arguing with Karen and Dorinda.

"Do you know how it feels to not know where my sister is and have to look for you thinking something happened to you? We thought you were dead!" Dorinda scolded.

"It hasn't even been long enough for you to think I'm dead. Doe, I really feel like you're overreacting." Jacky said, trying to calm her down.

Karen shook her head at Jacky.

"No, Jacky. She's right. What you did was reckless. What if we would have pulled something like that on you? You would have been pissed."

I decided to walk in and intervene.

"Aye, look. It was my idea for us to disappear for a bit. We had to get stuff squared away with each other and we did. It may have taken a little time, but we did it. She wanted to spend time with me when she got out the hospital so we made that happen."

"You...." Dorinda trailed.

"You made it happen, huh? Just like her being in the hospital. You made that happen too, didn't you?" Karen asked.

"Bruh, I told ya'll I ain't have nun to do with that."

"We don't believe you! You're a liar!" Dorinda yelled.

"Alright, you know what.... that is enough!" Jacky yelled, making both Karen and Dorinda get quiet and look at her. "I know you two are my sisters but you have no right coming here and accusing him of anything. He's telling the truth. He didn't do it. He wasn't the reason behind my hospitalization."

Karen and Dorinda looked at Jacky confused.

"Okay, if he wasn't the one who put you there .... then who did?"

"I had an ectopic pregnancy and tried to commit suicide. Are ya'll happy? That's the truth. Jay found me and took me to the hospital. He had Dave alert you because you guys are my sisters and he knew that you would want to know. Instead of badgering him you should be thanking him for saving me. Had he not found me I wouldn't have made it. He saved me. He's the good guy. Not some monster that you two have painted him out to be. There's the truth. Now you have it." Jacky revealed.

The room got deathly quiet as Dorinda and Karen both looked down with disappointment. Karen decided to be the first one to break it.

"Look, Jay. I apologize from the bottom of my heart, I really do. I didn't know and I just assumed. I should have listened to Dave when he said that you were a good guy. Jac..... why didn't you tell us that you miscarried? You know we would have been there?" Karen asked as sadness covered her face.

"I didn't tell anyone not even Jay. It was too much for me to handle so I decided to just take matters into my own hands. I know that I could have handled it a better way, but that was the only solution that seemed reasonable to me. I won't ever make that mistake again though. I learned my lesson, and now I'm alright. We're..... alright." Jacky said, grabbing my hand and holding it.

Dorinda stood by the door with this empathetic look on her face.

"I'm sorry too. Jay, I apologize as well. I just get really crazy about my family. I hope Karen and I didn't mess up our chances of being your sisters." Dorinda said, seeing the ring on Jacky's finger.

I rubbed my hand down my face before shaking my head no.

"Can we get another chance.... please?" Karen asked.

"Of course, it's all love. Bring it in." I said, opening my arms.

Karen and Dorinda hugged me at the same time as Jacky smiled and looked at me with a proud look on their face. I knew that they were sincerely sorry and I respected that. If I was being honest I would've reacted the same way about my family regarding any nigga they might've dated and ended up in this situation. They were a tight knit family. I respected the bond. A nigga had nothing but love for the family.

Once we broke apart I pulled Jacky into me and held her around her waist as Karen began to speak.

"So, marriage huh? Congratulations you two."

"Thank you, Karen." Jacky blushed, feeling me kiss her neck.

"Did you guys have a wedding?" Dorinda asked.

"No, we got hitched at a courthouse in Cancun, but we do plan on having an official ceremony. Don't worry you both will be invited and in the wedding as my maid of honors."

"I'd be honored, Jac." Karen said, placing her hand over her heart.

"Me too, but now that we know that you're safe and in good hands we're going to leave you to it. We'll talk later." Dorinda said.

"If you're not preoccupied." Karen said, seeing me feel on Jacky.

Jacky giggled like a schoolgirl as Karen and Dorinda began to live.

"Wait, how did you find us?" I asked.

"One of Maurice's homeboy's girlfriend is a PI. We had her track you. We just wanted to know that you were okay. That's all." Dorinda said.

I laughed knowing that they were really ride or die bout my baby. I loved that.

"Alright, now that you know you can leave. My husband and I have some worshipping to do." Jacky said.

"Okay, now. Don't get pregnant."

"Goodbye!" Jacky laughed, pushing both Karen and Dorinda out the door.

I chuckled again as I waited for her to come back. I licked my lips as she walked up to me and wrapped her arms around my waist as she looked up and stared into my eyes.

"Now that they're gone are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Jacky asked, biting her lip.

"Way ahead of you ma." I said, picking her off the ground making her laugh.

I carried her upstairs as we kissed and touched on each other. I planned on taking my time with her. And if a baby ended up coming out of it then so be it.

It would be worth every second.


Another short chappie. They'll get longer.... eventually. Enjoy! 💕💕💕

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