Find Her

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Sitting in my living room, I sat with my computer in my lap and Dorinda and Karen across from me talking their heads off about things. I decided to be quiet because I was too busy focused and concentrated on what I was doing to even indulge with them. It wasn't long before they noticed that I hadn't said more than two words since letting them in my house. Dorinda was the first to speak up about it.

"Jac, what  are you doing on that computer of yours?"

"Yeah, what's so important that you can't spend time with your sisters?" Karen asked, raising her eyebrow.

Sighing, I looked up at them.

"Well, a few days ago after the doctor's appointment Jay and I came home and we.... did what married people do, but after that he opened up to me about his family and his past. Apparently he has a sister that no one knew about. He said that she stopped talking to him when they were in school because of something that happened between them."

"What happened?" Dorinda asked, giving me this weird look.

"Kids at school were picking on her because she has/had PCOS. I said had because I'm not sure if she still has it or not, but Jay took it upon himself to defend her and he got kicked out of school. He said that she went off on him I guess because of what happened but he said some hurtful things to her, and they haven't spoken since. This was childhood guys."

"Wait.... what?" Dorinda asked.

"I'm confused, why would she go off on him if he was defending her? What are we missing here?" Karen asked.

I knew that going into full direct details would be the only way to make them understand.

"Jay said he got kicked out of school because he beat up the boy who kept picking on her. He told me after that happened that the bullying got worse so I think because of that it caused her to get upset and unload on him. I mean... I can understand both sides honestly." I said.

"I can too now that you've explained it fully. Bullying isn't fun for anyone, and Jay felt like he got kicked out of school for doing what was right and she wasn't grateful for it. I completely understand." Karen said.

"That's exactly how he told me he felt. I also know that he misses her though. The pain in his voice, the tears in his eyes, the sound of regret that followed every word that he spoke. I know that he would do anything to get that moment back. So, from last night to this one I've been doing some digging trying to find his sister. I haven't had much luck though."

As Karen and I talked I noticed the look on Dorinda's face.

"Doe, why you being all quiet and looking like that?" Karen asked.

"Because I surprisingly want to help. I know how it feels for a family member to ghost you and wishing you could get them back. We all do, unfortunately. So, here's what I'm going to do. Remember I told you that one of Maurice's homeboy's girlfriend was a PI?" Dorinda asked.


"Well, we can use her to help find Jay's sister." Dorinda said.

I looked at her as I stood up.

"You would do that?" I asked.

"I mean it's the least I can do. I came down pretty hard on him when you were in the hospital, but he was the one who saved your life. Had he not found you you wouldn't be here. I owe him a solid. So, I'd be happy to help." Dorinda said.

Walking up to her, I hugged her. Dorinda smiled as she hugged me back.

"Thank you." 

Karen smiled at the interaction between Dorinda and I before indulging in the hug. After our sister hug Dorinda spoke again. 

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