Type; Freaky

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Jacky's outfit in m/m: 😍


Week 5

I sat in church with Jay and my sisters doing Bible study night and I know that I was supposed to be paying attention, but the way Jay kept on touching me in church he was making it so hard. He had his jacket over my lap and his hands that he just refused to keep to himself.

"Jay, baby... you're gonna get us in trouble." I whispered, feeling him touch and squeeze all on my inner thighs.

"You the one decided to look this good in all this black. You got a nigga feenin." Jay whispered in my ear making me blush.

I could feel eyes on me. Looking back on the right side sitting across from us on the other side was Dorinda and Karen staring over at us. Karen knew that something was going on, because she kept seeing Jay's hands move up and down. Dorinda on the other hand was trying to stand up to look over the pew to see what was happening between Jay and I, but Karen kept pulling her down not letting her get up.

"I think we have a audience." I said before turning to look at Jay.

Jay licked his lips before pulling me close by my hips under his jacket.

"Then let's give them something to look at shorty." Jay said, pulling my skirt up slightly and pulling my panties to the side.

"Jay, no, no- mmmmm." I moaned, feeling his fingers move in and out of me. I knew that I couldn't moan all loud for three reasons.

Number 1, my sisters were watching me, number 2, I was in church, and number 3, the biggest and most important reason GOD was watching me. i had to conduct myself.

"With that being said there will be two services on Sunday morning and then that following Sunday evening at 1pm. Also food and refreshments will be served in the back with the kitchen committee. We'd like to acknowledge all the birthdays that we had this month and thank you all for coming out tonight. Now, we're back in the hands of Pastor Samuels for the dismissal." Heather, the pastor's assistant said giving announcements.

I exhaled sharply as I bit my lip and Jay continued fingering me. The more he fingered me the wetter I got. I was practically leaking, because of the adrenaline rush of being caught doing this in church.

"Alright, well if there's nothing else. Everyone can stand so we can be dismissed." Pastor King said. I tried to get up, but Jay had a firm grip around my waist.

"You not getting up ma. Ima finish." Jay whispered in my ear with seduction dripping off his tongue.

I sucked in a breath and just allowed him to demolish me in the house of the Lord, because I knew that he wouldn't stop which that I would have to repent immediately after. Jay curved his fingers inside of me and fingered me deeply getting me to my destination as the pastor began to pray.

"And with a joyful sound let all of the Lord's people shout amen and amen again." Pastor King said, dismissing us.

"Amen, Pastor. Ooooo, amen. Thank you Lord." I said covering up the moans that were released as I hit my climax.

Jay chuckled as he slid his fingers out of me and stuck them in his mouth. I quickly composed myself as church members began exiting the church and conversing among themselves. Dorinda and Karen instantly flew over to me as I stood up and Jay sat there not having no shame in his game.

"I see you two have gotten acquainted just fine. Jay, it's good to see you." Karen said, folding her arms over her chest with a smirk on her face.

"It's good to see you too, Karen."

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