•2• War Zone

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"Maurice has been blowing my phone up..." Dorinda trailed.

"So has Dave, oh my God." Karen added.

"Jay has been too, but this is important and I know when I finally tell Jay where I was and why he will be happy and he will understand."

"What are we supposed to tell our husbands, because I know that you don't want us to tell them the truth knowing that they will tell Jay?" Karen asked.

"You don't have to lie, but you also don't have to tell the whole truth. Leave something out which would obviously be the fact that we're in Atlanta. Just tell them that we're out having sister time and we will be back home later. Nothing more and nothing less." I instructed.

Nodding her head, Karen proceeded to text Dave and Dorinda did the same. I also decided to send Jay a little text to ease his mind. Once we finished I realized that we'd pulled up to Jay's sister's address. As we got out of our Uber we headed up to the front door. I knocked then took a deep breath as Karen and Dorinda looked at me trying to make sure that this was really what I wanted to do. A moment later the door opened and a light skinned woman opened the door,

 A moment later the door opened and a light skinned woman opened the door,

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"Journee?" I asked, seeing the look on her face.

"Yes? Umm, who are you guys?"

"I'm sorry, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Jacqueline Richardson but you can call me Jacky. These are my sisters. Dorinda Montoya and Karen Webster." I said.

Seeing the look on her face, it was almost as if something was beginning to register in her head.


"Does that last name ring a bell honey?" Karen asked.

"Yes, but the only Richardson I know- knew was my brother-"

"Jayceon?" I asked, making her look at me in disbelief as tears filled her eyes.

"How... how did you know? You know him?" Journee asked.

"I'm his wife."

Seeing how distraught she was getting, I hugged her as she cried. We embraced for a few moments before we broke apart. Journee dried her tears as she invited us into her home. As she took us to her living room we sat down and began discussing Jay and what happened all those years ago.

"I've felt so guilty and have been myself up since the last time we spoke. I miss him so much, but never knew where to look or even find him. It was as if he fell off the face of the earth. I've regretted that day so much, but never knew how to fix it. I just want my brother back." Journee still as tears fell down her face.

"You're going to get him back. That's why we're here. We came to take you to him. After Jay told me he had a sister I made it my business to find you. The pain in his voice as he discussed you told me everything that I needed to know. He misses you too."

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