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"How shit going with you and Jacky?" Dave asked over the phone.

He and his wife was still gone to get Jacky her stuff and hadn't came back yet.

"Uh, I think I scared yo wife sister. I'm not even gon' lie to ya boy."  I admitted.

I heard Dave smack his forehead then sigh heavily.

"Bruh, what the fuck you do to her?"

"It wasn't me. It was my dick." I said.

"Nigga what? Fuck you talkin bout?" Dave asked.

I sighed before speaking honestly.

"You know what nigga I blame you."

"How the fuck is this my fault?" Dave asked.

"Cause why you ain't tell me Karen sister look like that? She fine as a bitch. Yeah, she might be older but I honestly don't give a damn about that. Cause the older the berry the sweeter the juice and I want to know how she taste." I said, rubbing my chin.

"You ain't doing shit til you cut that hoe off. I'm not finna get cussed out by Karen because her sister get addicted to you and get heartbroken cause you got another bitch with her on the side."

I smacked my lips as I sighed.

"Bruh, you know my situation with Micki is-" I stopped my sentence seeing Jacky come in the room.

"Hey, I'm just checking on you. Do you need anything?" Jacky asked.

I licked my lips as I looked at her. She was so damn fine.

"Yeah, come hea' for a second ma." I ended the call with Dave as she came over to me.

Once she got to me she took a seat on the couch.


"Well, I first want to start by apologizing. I ain't mean to come on strong to you like that. You are a very beautiful woman, and if I could say so myself I would like to say that a nigga really gon' need help trying to control his hormones around you, but I hope I ain't scare you away beautiful." I said, apologizing to the best of my ability.

I saw her smile a little which made me lick my lips before her smile faded.

"It's alright, you're a young man. So, I can't say that I expect anything less from you. However, I really don't want these six weeks between us to be weird or awkward so I'm going to cook something for us and we can get to know each other over a dinner. How does that sound?" Jacky asked.

"That sound good to me, ma." I said, licking my lips.

"Good, good. Ummm, you continue to make yourself comfortable and I'm going to go get dinner started."

Watching her get up, I stared at her ass. Seeing how fat her shit was I watched her as she walked into the kitchen and I felt my dick throb in my shorts.

"Yo! Nigga, hello!" Dave yelled through the phone.

I quickly picked up my phone and put it to my ear.

"Yo, my bad dawg."

"Foo, I heard yo ass. You like her don't you?" Dave asked.

"I'm not gon' lie a nigga is attracted to her. She a beautiful woman. I wanna get to know her more and on a deeper level. I can't lie tho... when she around I can't control my dick." I admitted.

"I knew that shit would happen. Aite, well if you like her I need for you to cut that shit with Micki ass all the way off. Dead that shit cause ain't no way you finna hurt her and have my wife down my gahdamn neck. That ain't gon' fly with me. So, do what you need to do to get that squared away cause it ain't going down no other way. If you plan on making a move on Jacky dead that other shit and do it quickly before stuff escalate."

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