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I sat in my kitchen with my sisters as they ranted on and on about how their Valentine's Day went with their husbands. I sat there quietly just letting them talk, but deep down inside I knew that I was about to explode because of the secret that I was keeping.

"So, after the helicopter ride that man could not keep his hands off of me, and to be honest I really didn't want him to." Dorinda smirked.

"I can say the same thing about Dave, but if I'm being honest it doesn't take much to get us going." Karen said.

"Oh, we know Miss Drop It Low and Spread It Wide. Ya'll too old to still be acting like horny teenagers."

Karen laughed at Dorinda's statement.

"Girl, bye. Don't nothing get old, but clothes and my man is all bull." Karen said. biting her lip.

Dorinda gagged making Karen laugh. They both looked at me noticing that I wasn't saying much of anything.

"Jac, what's wrong with you? You'd normally be getting on us by now." Karen asked.

"Yeah, you're a little too quiet. What's up?" Karen asked.

I stayed quiet s I looked at them.


"Jacky?" Karen asked.

"I'm pregnant!" I blurted out.

"What?" Dorinda asked.


"What did you just say?" Dorinda asked.

"What did you just hear?" I asked.

"It sounded like you said...."

"You're pregnant?" Karen asked.

Sighing, I nodded my head yes.

"Yes, I am... I'm pregnant. I took the test and it was positive." I admitted.

"Wow, does Jay know?" Dorinda asked.

"He's the one that told me that I was. He was right. I didn't even know myself."

"Awww, that's so sweet. That shows that he watches and pays attention to your body. Congratulations! How do you feel?" Karen asked.

"Honestly? I don't know. It's still setting in." I said.

"Do you know how far along you are?"

"No, I haven't made an appointment yet. I'm a nurse myself so I should know things like this, but I know that I'm going to have to get an OBGYN." I said.

Dorinda looked at me for a moment before speaking. She had this sly cheeky expression on her face.

"What Doe?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing. I was just wondering..... can we go with you?"

I chuckled knowing that they would want to be apart of my journey. I was already knowing this because I knew my sisters.

"Of course, you can. I actually wanted you both to. That's why I waited to make the appointment so that I could let you know. But I'm going to see if I can find a OBGYN first then make an appointment." I said.

"Why don't you just use Vanessa? She delivered all of my babies and she can get you a same day appointment. I can actually set up the appointment for you if you want?" Karen asked.

"I would appreciate that, Karen. I really would. So, I'll be sure to let Jay know that you two will be going with us. I know he's probably just as excited and eager as the both of you."

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