Chapter 2: Friendless Yunyun

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Chapter 2: Friendless Yunyun
Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic... can someone diss this fanfic. If you want comment, please use the comment section instead because, I might made some mistakes and need to edit it. Thanks.)


In the river inside the forest, Harukin arrived while carrying a rolled futon and a basket of used clothes. He dropped it on the ground besides the river and took out one of his magic staves in his dimensional storage, he planted it on the ground then he casted a magic,

"Water Magic, Waterspout!"

A columnar water vortex rose from river, but it's only high as a small tree. Harukin took out a detergent powder from dimensional storage and threw it on the water vortex. After that, he also threw futon and the used clothes.

After he finish washing the futon and clothes, he laid it on boulder near the river. He looked around if someone was watching him, then he pointed his right index finger towards the sky and created a small miniature of sun.

"Cruel Sun," he mumbled.

Suddenly the futon and clothes dries faster as he exposed it in the small sun in his index finger. After that, he left it remains to be exposes and dries by the real sun.

"Now, it's finish..." he spoke while yawning.

Feeling tired, he controlled his breathing as he use Hamon to climb up the big tree and laid down to the one of branches to take a short nap.


Meanwhile, there was a lost little girl who's walking in the middle of the forest, she has mid-length dark brown hair tied into two twintail that lie on her shoulders, a fair skin and a crimson-colored eyes, she was crying as she walks around the forest,

*sob* *sob* *sob*

"Uuuu... Father where are you!" she shouted while sobbing.

She heard a flowing river and went towards it. When she arrived at the river, she still didn't recognize the place so she continues to cry,

"Uuuuuu... Father!" she shouted desperately."

"Will you stop making annoying noise! I'm trying to take a nap here," someone suddenly yelled at her.

"Huh?" She reacted as she stopped crying.

She noticed a little boy with barcode birthmark under his right eye and white eye patch, who's standing on top of a big branch of  the tree in front of her.

"Hey you, the little girl over there, this place is dangerous because many monsters are roaming around here so, you should go back home," he spoke.

"I'm... sorry," all she can do is apologized.

"Wait there, I'll come to you," he said then he jumped from a high altitude tree and landed in front of her.

He glanced at her, "Now, explain yourself little girl."

She thought while staring at him, 'Even though we look like the same age, he calls me a little girl. This boy is mean, but first...'

"Please be my friend!" she said while being flustered.

The little boy right eye widened in surprise when he heard what she said. but suddenly, he laughed hard,

"Pfffft... hahaha... instead of finding some friends inside village, you went here in the forest, hahaha... your a weird girl."

"Please, don't call me weird..." She said while being reddened in embarrassment.

"Well, I don't mind being your friend because you're seems interesting. By the way, my name is Harukin." he introduced himself.

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