Chapter 124: Alliance

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Chapter 124: Alliance

Chapter 124: Alliance

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)


(Harukin's POV)

- Akame ga Kill World -

In the conference hall of Night Raid, we all went and gathered there for a meeting.

Tatsumi and Aqua are already awake and joined with me in the meeting but they're still look sleepy.

Najenda sitting on the chair while in front of us while listening to her subordinate's report about their mission.

While they are heaving their own meeting.


Aqua yawned beside me.

Glancing to her,

"Aqua, I think you should stayed in the bed more and rest longer. You're still sleepy."

"No, I'm fine, Harutrash. I will just sleep later on."

"Okay. Just don't push yourself too hard just to stay awake--Wait, Aqua! What did you just called me?"

"Huh? What's the problem, Scumbag-Sun-God-who- just-did- something- indecent- with- a- girl-that- he-just- newly- met- last- night."

"We didn't do anything indecent, Aqua. It's just a misunderstanding!"

"Then why are the two naked together at the kitchen?"

"I just cooked her some breakfast but suddenly, she stripped herself naked while eating. Before I even noticed it, I unconsciously also stripped my clothes caused by my disturbing habit of stripping out of nowhere." I explained.

"Ah, Okay. I understand now."

"Aqua-san, how can you just accept his reason just like that?" Tatsumi spoke in surprise.

"If you spend a long time with him already, you'll understand."

"For real?"


"I'm really curious, Aqua-san. What is your relationship with Sun? You two are really very close." Tatsumi asked.



Aqua and I cluelessly stare at him.

"Aqua is my summoned pet." I answered, glancing at Aqua.

"Hey, don't call a High-level goddess like me a pet!" Aqua retorted, frowning at me.


There's was an awkward silence between us.

What is this feeling?

I felt like I forgetting something very important.

"Aqua, are we forgetting something?"

"I don't know... I don't even remember it. I felt like, it is something important."

We tried to remember what is it but it was useless.

"Well, it can't be helped then... If we're talking about close relationship between us, it's not like we're dating or some--Huh?"

I suddenly stopped, remembering it.

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