Chapter 20: My Emergency Food Can't Be This Cute

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Chapter 20: My Emergency Food can't be this cute
Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic. Thanks.)


(Harukin's POV)

We arrived back to our camp under the tree, I saw Wiz was still sleeping and was having a good dream.

I just let her sleep more and started to prepare our lunch today.

I prepared the chopped onion, clean vegetables, salt, soy sauce, sliced mushrooms, sugar, cooking, one-strike bear meat and a Paimon.

"Hey! Harukin! Did you just include Paimon on your recipe that your going to cook right now." Paimon angrily said as she read what I'm thinking.

"Nope, it's just your imagination." I replied.

I placed the wide pot filled with water on top of the bonfire and waited for the water to heated. When the water started to boil, I put all the ingredients on the pot including Paimon and waited for it to cook.

"Harukin! Paimon just read on your mind that you're going to put Paimon together with your ingredients on the pot." she complained to me.

"No, your just overthinking things." I said while smirking.

I prepared the fish that I caught and pierced with a stick to be ready to grilled.

"Paimon, I leave the grilling of fish to you. Don't eat it first." I said.

"Paimon won't!" Paimon retorted.

While waiting for our lunch to be cooked, I went towards Wiz-san. I sat beside her and looked at her beautiful face.

To think this adorable idiot woman is actually a lich who sacrificed herself to save her comrades.

I poked her cheek with my index finger.

I felt on my finger that she's alive even though she's an undead.

What's going to happen I kissed her lips right now while she sleeps.

Is she going to be angry to me? I want to see her cute reaction if I did that.

No! What I've even thinking!

I even fully remembered when she was completely naked on top of me when we slipped together in the hot spring in my village.

That was a wonderful view.

Thanks for the treat Wiz-san and nice thighs!

"Harukin! Your perverted thoughts are leaking to Paimon right now." Paimon said while glaring at my back.

"Paimon... can I at least have a privacy on my mind. Even though I thought a lot of lewd things on a girl, but that's only because I'm a man. I can't prevent myself to not to think of those."

"Said by a little boy who's a teenager inside. From the point of view of others, you looked like a little boy who's playing the face of sleeping woman, but from Paimon point of view, your just teenager guy who's taking advantage of the sleeping woman."

I stopped poking Wiz-san face and turned around to glanced at Paimon.

"Okay then, prepare to join with the ingredients on the hotpot Paimon" I took a fighting stance on Paimon.

"Paimon will resist Harukin, bring it on!" Paimon also took a fighting stance while holding a stick in both of her hands with a fishbone stabbed on it.

"Wait! Paimon. Why are the fish that you're grilling only fishbone remained." I pointed at her hands.

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