Chapter 84: It's Nee-san and mine's child

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Chapter 84: It's Nee-san and mine's child

Chapter 84: It's Nee-san and mine's child

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)


(Harukin's POV)

- Konosuba World -

Something happened because the perverted Goddess desperately wants to give me a very suspicious present for my birthday but I strongly refused to take it.

When Nee-san appeared beside me, she snatched, taking the suspicious present from the perverted Goddess hands and forcefully giving it to me.

Suddenly, the present of the perverted Goddess lit up, turning into a little elf girl in my arms.

Now, the little elf girl is saying that I was her father while Nee-san is her mother.

Remembering this happened with Wiz and me having a daughter with a magic item, I'm sure this little elf girl is Nee-san and mine's biological daughter because she's made from our magic power.

While this little elf girl was being carried in my arms, she was happily smiling at us.

I just smiled back at her and asked,

"Hello there, my little princess. What's your name?"

"Hehe... It's Kurē, Daddy." She giggled then answered.

"Kurē... What a adorable name you have there." I said, playfully pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Hehehe..." Kurē giggled.

"Harukin... How can you just accept her like nothing?" Nee-san was completely shock, looking at me.

"Why did you take it! That little girl should be Sun-kun and mine's child. And now, my perfect plan to be lovey dovey with Sun-kun by having a child with him has failed. That magic item is really hard to get, you know!" the perverted Goddess mumbled while stomping her feet in frustration

"Harukin, who is she talking about?" Nee-san asked me.

"I don't know, Nee-san. Just like Aqua who's delusionally calling herself a goddess, this girl is also one of those delusional person who call herself a goddess but a perverted one." I answered.

"Oh, I'll try to ignore her." Nee-san replied, looking at the perverted Goddess with disappointed expression.

"Hey, Sun-kun! How can treat your hidden main heroine like that!" the perverted Goddess complained, pouncing my back.

Just like Nana, this little girl in my arms is really cute but this is bad. She's Nee-san and mine's child and the problem is that we're siblings but not related to each other.

I have to talk about this with Nee-san right now.

"Nee-san, I have to tell you something very important."

Nee-san turned and glanced at me,

"Hm? What is it, Harukin?"

"You know about Nana, right?" I asked, putting Kurē down on the ground standing.

"Of course, you took a long time to reveal about her to me so I was really mad at you at that time."

"Then do you remember the things I said on how she was born?"

"Oh, I remembered that. You said that Nana was born between you and Wiz because you two touched together a certain magic ite--Wait! Are you telling me that this little girl is our..."

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