Chapter 14: Leaving The Village

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Chapter 14: Leaving the village
Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic. Thanks.)


In the waiting area inside the public bathhouse, Megumin, Yunyun and Wiz went out of the women's bath,

"Alright then, let's go." Harukin said then he stood up.

He noticed Yunyun was fidgeting while holding her skirt down,

"Yunyun, is something wrong?" he asked.

"No! It's nothing, Harukin." Yunyun immediately responded while being flustered.

Harukin became suspicious of her reaction, he gave Komekko to his mother then he walked towards Yunyun,

"Did you stay too long in the bath, Yunyun? Staying too long is bad for your health, you know." he said.

When he arrived in front of Yunyun, he moved his head towards her then he touched her forehead with his forehead.

"Umm... Harukin?! What are you doing?" Yunyun face reddened then she closed her eyes.

"It seems like, you don't have a fever." Harukin said as he felt her temperature.

Yunyun opened her eyes and gazed upon his face who's very close her face while her heart was throbbing strongly and fast. She felt an emotion to him that she doesn't really understand, she only felt this feelings when everytime she's with him.

"Harukin..." she thought,

Harukin moved his head back away from her face.

"Hmmm... Are you okay, Yunyun?" he asked as he looked at Yunyun who's daydreaming in front of him while making a funny expression.

When Yunyun heard what he said, she immediately snapped out of it and responded,


Megumin felt something instinctively then immediately went between them,



"I already told you, Yunyun. If you want something from my twin brother Harukin, you have to go through me first." Megumin proclaimed while doing a fighting stance.

Suddenly, they noticed a white goose walking out of the women's bath while holding a pink panties on it's beak. It looked at them,


"Honkizaru?! You're causing a havoc again! Returned that back." Harukin yelled at his pet goose.


"Please give that back!" Yunyun shouted.

"Honk! Honk!" the white goose ran away.

Harukin and Yunyun ran after the white goose. After few minutes of chasing, they cornered it.

"Honkizaru... don't move. I'll give you a bowl of peas again, if you listen to me." Harukin spoke.

The white goose didn't move, Harukin went towards his pet and caught it's feathers on it's tail,

"Okay, Honkizaru. Good girl..."

Yunyun also went towards the white goose while trying to reach the pink panties on it's beak. But suddenly, the white goose become alerted and spreaded out it's wings,


The white goose strongly flapped it's wings. Harukin eyes widened and became flustered when he saw Yunyun's skirt flipped up caused by blow of the wind that produced by the white goose's wings, he clearly saw her exposed front bottom in front him.

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