Chapter 99: Making Maple Level up

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Chapter 99: Making Maple Level up

Chapter 99: Making Maple Level up

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)


(Harukin's POV)

- Akame ga Kill World -

After we defeated the bandits, we tied all of them at the trees, leaving them there unconscious.

"What are we going to do them?" I asked the three.

"I don't know. Let's just leave them here." the young guy who's name is Tatsumi responded.

He stood up after he finished tying them.

"Anyway, let's me introduce ourselves."

Pointing his thumb to himself and said,

"My name is Tatsumi." then he pointed at his two companions, "And these are my childhood friends, Ieyasu and Sayo."

Tatsumi is a young man of average height with green eyes and medium length brown hair with a cowlick that falls with its weight. He used to wear a white, high collar jacket over a tan sweater vest, a pair of black pants, brown gloves and combat boots.

"Yo!" Ieyasu wave his hands.

He has a short, somewhat unruly, dark brown hair and brown eyes. He wore a white martial arts headband.

Both him and Tatsumi has sword on their waist.

"Nice to meet you the two of you, my name is Sayo. Thank you for helping us from the bandits." Sayo said, bowing gracefully.

Sayo was a young girl with long black hair and black eyes. She wore a white butterfly or flower hair accessory, and was often seen in plain cream-colored robes.

She has a bow and a quiver of arrows behind her back.

"Nice to meet you too guys, Maple desu~. And this guy beside me is my friend, Sun-kun." Maple cheerfully introduced herself then me.

"Sun-kun?" the three of them tilted there head in confusion.

"Just call me Sun."

"Okay..." Tatsumi replied.

"Can I ask where the three of you going?" Maple spoke.

"Actually, the three of us set out on a journey to earn money to save our village." Ieyasu answered with a proud tone.

"That's right, that's why we're going to the capital to become a soldier, making name for ourselves and become someone famous. That way we can earn a lot of money to save our village."

Sayo nodded at them with a smile.

These guys went to the capital to save their home village but what awaiting them over there is a cruel torture and death. The empire is the most evil place here on this Akame ga Kill World where countless crime is happening. This is largely due to the ascension of the current Prime Minister, who cares only for his own pleasure. His time has been marked by an increase in government corruption, an economic recession, eroding public order, rampant poverty and great dissatisfaction amongst the people.

Because of this, the villages and towns suffer from heavy taxation and many have been unable to buy enough food, resulting in widespread shortages in the remote areas of the empire.

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