Chapter 148: I Want To Know Defeat
Chapter 148: I Want To Know Defeat
Fanfic by: Geraint124x
(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)
(3rd Person's POV)
- Akame ga Kill World -
Somewhere in the alleyway of the Capital, a light shone out of empty air. A portal opened and suddenly, a young lady with astonishing beauty came out from it.
She has ivory skin and long, black hair usually tied in long twin tails. Her right eye is red-tinted while her left eye appears as a golden, inorganic clock face.
Her outfit is made out of crimson and black frills, giving her the appearance of an elegant Gothic Lolita with uneven twin tails. On her head, she's wearing a big crimson net bow to hold her hair. She also wearing a red and black collar on her neck.
[Play: Date a live OST - Kurumi's Theme(Portrait)]
She looked around.
"This should be the right timeline in this world, right?"
She walked, going out of the alleyway.
Arriving on the streets, she saw a lot of people walking around.
Some people immediately looked at her because of her unusual appearance and stunning beauty.
Looking around, she saw a humongous castle covered by huge walls.
"The castle looks different but this must be the old one."
She looks into the sky, trying to check the position of the sun.
"It's near high noon."
Suddenly, she felt a magic power that rising in every second passed from the huge castle.
"Hiie hehehe... There's no mistake, it's Haru."
She started to run, going towards the direction of castle.
"To think I will use my 12th bullet just to help him on this timeline, he should be lucky to have me as his lover. I'm going to take some more of his spiritual power after this as a part of my reward later." she delightfully licked her lips.
When she turned around to another alleyway, multiple copies of her emerged out from her shadows.
"Now, let's begin our date!"
"Hie hehehehe..." she laughed together with her clones as they split in every direction around the Capital.
(Harukin's POV)
Standing in front of Esdeath with the young Emperor and Prime Minister watching behind me,
"I thought by eliminating half of your invading army... the other half would retreat and never come back. But you have shown me... that's impossible. And as long as there are those that remember what was... there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be. They will resist."
"Sun, there's no one else who can satisfy me other you." Esdeath replied.
"I'm thankful... Because now... I know what I must do. I will shred this Empire down to its last atom. And then... with the help of Revolutionary Army, we'll build a new one... teeming with life that knows not what it has lost but only what it has been given... A grateful new kingdom."

An Implosion on This Wonderful World
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