Chapter 17: The Village Without Harukin 2

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Chapter 17: The Village without Harukin 2
Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic. Thanks.)


(Megumin's POV)

After my twin brother Harukin left the village, me and this loner help on tending our family magic item shop.

When the young woman with annoying big boobs leave the shop after she claimed what she ordered, another customers consist of four female adventures.

All of them are well-endowed woman and has a curvaceous figure especially the female elf archer, she has the biggest breast on four of them. The other three are female thief with a cat features, a female knight with long blonde hair and a female archpriest with green ponytailed hair.

"Is Harukin here? We came here to claim the weapons we ordered to him."

Said by the blond female knight.

"Ummm... do you have a claim receipt?" Yunyun besides me asked.

"Oh... I have it here." said by the female elf archer as she took out something inside between her huge breast.

Are those huge breast really that convenient to use them as a place to hide your things?

"Here's our claiming receipt..." the female elf archer gave the receipt to father.

Father found what they ordered from the cabinet and gave it to them.

They ordered four different weapons, one for each other. They took off the cover and check the quality of weapons.

"This sword is better than those on the other shop, it's not that heavy or too light and the design looks great. It felt like this sword was made according to my strength and very compatible to my body and skills." she described with satisfaction.

The female elf archer noticed me glaring at her huge breast while she was checking the bow and quiver filled with arrows.

She glanced at me then she shifted down her sight to my chest,

"Pfffft..." she snickered with smug expression.

This woman just made fun of my chest...

A vein popped on my temple and became very furious, I tried to jumped at her,

"I'm gonna pluck those breast out!" I angrily shouted.

But, Yunyun stopped me from rampaging by hugging me behind my waist and pulling me back.

"Stop it! Megumin... Don't attack the customers." Yunyun yelled at me.

The female elf ignored me, she glanced at my father and asked,

"I want to talk to Harukin, Is he there?"

"Sorry, he's on a business trip in Axel town right now." Father answered.

"Oh... What a unfortunate timing... but anyway here's our payment." the female elf said as she put the big sack of coins on the table.

"Keep the change..." she followed while smiling.

Before, they went out, The female elf turned around and said to us,

"That's right, please pass this word to Harukin when he comes back 'Next time, we come back here, we're the one who's gonna give him a good service' Fufufu..."

I became more angry and shouted,

"Don't come back here! Grrr..."


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