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Chapter 31: Next Quest?
Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)


(Harukin's POV)

After being slapped by Akane, it left a painful red mark on my face.

I tried to convince her many times that it wasn't my fault and explaining to her that the problem was in my system. In the end, she accepted my explanation and forgave me, she also accepted my system friend request on her for us communicate with each other.

Suddenly, a notification screen appeared in front of me.


(2/2) Completed!

Your rewards:
2 Luck stats increase
3 Cocoa Seed
20 Skill Points
2 Random Friend Invitations.

Do you want to move on your next quest now?

[Yes] [Cancel]


Wait! There's more?

Are you kidding me?

I want to return back to my world already.

I'm tired, but this system is trolling me.

I have to finish this faster so that I can go home.

I glanced at Akane and the other children,

"Sorry everyone, I have to go now."

"Eh... Onii-chan, are you going somewhere?" Ako asked sad tone.

"Onii-chan, you should come with us." Taichi tried to convince me.

"Sorry, I can't... Something important came up just now that I have to deal with. But don't worry, I promise that I will come back to you guys someday. If you want to ask something about me, you can ask your big sister Akane, I left something to her that can communicate to me even I'm far away from you guys."

I glanced at Yuu and Mikaela,

"Salty boy, Mika, I going to leave now, please take care of them."

"Who are you calling Salty boy?! I going to do it even you don't ask anything." Salty boy retorted.

"Thank you for helping us escape, Harukin." Mikaela just smiled on me.

I glanced Guren who has a difficult expression,

"Remember what I just said to you."

He looked away from me and didn't say anything,

"I'm going to count that as a 'yes' then." I said.

I looked at Krul,

"We're going now, Krul."

"Hmph!" She hmphed, also looking away from me.

After that, I touched the 'Yes' on my screen.

I looked at everyone and spoke while waving my right hand at them,

"Goodbye everyone, be a good child and I'll be back before you know it."

"Goodbye Onii-chan! Please come back soon!" Ako shouted.

"Onii-chan, bye bye!" Taichi also shouted.

"Goodbye, Harukin!" Akane loudly said.

All of children yelled their goodbye to me except Salty boy just wave his hand at me.

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