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Jail only takes away your freedom when you haven't been stuck your whole life.

If you're like me, though, jail is like a personification of how you've been living since the day you were born. Hostile people around you; you having to watch your back because someone may stab it once you turn around; people you're obligated to share your space with when all you want to do is be alone; the inability of being yourself because you need to focus on surviving, until the day you forget who you are, if you're truly a person, or if you're just a living creature who has to keep its mouth shut, its head down, but show everyone you can attack if you have to.

The bars of a cell are nothing but the barriers other people and yourself pull up to separate you from the outside world, because one may hurt the other. I've known these bars since the day I can't remember. So that's why, sitting in front of the man who could put me away for years, I didn't show the tiniest shred of fright. Because I had nothing to fear. There was nothing unknown about my future.

"Possession of cocaine, underage drinking, possession of marijuana – and cocaine, theft of alcoholic beverage, drunk driving, street fighting, destruction of property – Should I really keep going, John?" Andres listed my felonies.

Jack, I wanted to correct him, but knew I had no right. You have the right to remain silent, isn't that what they say? People told me it meant you don't need to say anything you don't want to, but I always understood it meant you had to keep quiet while everyone moved you around like a puppet.

"Last time you were here – two weeks ago, I believe – I told you your father couldn't pay you out at all times if you kept doing this. But here you are again, and I'm far from understanding why"

Andres looked at me, waiting for me to give him something similar to an explanation, but I didn't utter a word. I have the right to remain silent. Maybe it wasn't a bad thing, after all. At least I didn't have to deal with what I didn't want to.

"You know that, if your father didn't have the money nor the influence, you would've been in juvenile by now"

My left eyebrow twitched for a moment. Could he admit that? I was pretty sure we were being recorded, and I bet openly saying our legal system was unfair wasn't going to get him a promotion.

He sighed, closing my file and leaning forward on the table. I had seen that look on his face since the first time they've put me in this exact same room. It was the tell me what's going on with you so I can help you face. And I didn't like it that much. Because people always think they'll help until they find out what's really going on. Then it just isn't their concern anymore.

Sometimes I thought people only offered help because they're curious. Human beings are drawn to the unknown, and they see other people's minds as puzzles that need to be solved. And the first step to solve it is know what is going on – what kind of puzzle is this. But once they find out the truth, it's not that interesting anymore – it isn't the kind of puzzle they'd have the thrill to solve. So they just let it go and move to the next one.

"Your father and I talked, and we've come to an agreement" He proceeded after a few minutes of silence "So, John," Jack "this is the last opportunity I have to help you. So... it's now or never"

The last opportunity?

"What agreement?" I asked.

"I think it's for the best if you two spoke" He said "But don't worry, it'll be good for you. It's the last thing I can do for you. We made a deal, but you also have to honor it. If you don't, there won't be anything I can do to stop you from going to juvenile. And you have no idea how much I avoided that since day one"

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